Reversing : The Hacker's Guide to Reverse Engineering

(ff) #1
Moving Data

The MOVinstruction is probably the most popular IA-32 instruction. MOVtakes
two operands: a destination operand and a source operand, and simply moves
data from the source to the destination. The destination operand can be either
a memory address (either through an immediate or using a register) or a reg-
ister. The source operand can be an immediate, register, or memory address,
but note that only one of the operands can contain a memory address, and
never both. This is a generic rule in IA-32 instructions: with a few exceptions,
most instructions can only take one memory operand. Here is the “prototype”
of the MOVinstruction:

MOV DestinationOperand, SourceOperand

Please see the “Examples” section later in this chapter to get a glimpse of
how MOVand other instructions are used in real code.


For basic arithmetic operations, the IA-32 instruction set includes six basic
integer arithmetic instructions: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, IMUL, and IDIV. The fol-
lowing table provides the common format for each instruction along with a
brief description. Note that many of these instructions support other configu-
rations, with different sets of operands. Table 2.3 shows the most common con-
figuration for each instruction.

Low-Level Software 49

Even though the assembly language instruction format described here follows
the notation used in the official IA-32 documentation provided by Intel, it is not
the only notation used for presenting IA-32 assembly language code. The AT&T
Unix notation is another notation for assembly language instructions that is
quite different from the Intel notation. In the AT&T notation the source operand
usually precedesthe destination operand (the opposite of how it is done in the
Intel notation). Also, register names are prefixed with an %(so that EAXis
referenced as %eax). Memory addresses are denoted using parentheses, so that
%(ebx)means “the address pointed to by EBX.” The AT&T notation is mostly
used in Unix development tools such as the GNU tools, while the Intel notation
is primarily used in Windows tools, which is why this book uses the Intel
notation for assembly language listings.
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