
(Romina) #1
Page 33

Table of chords and keys, columns 1-12 (I-IV min)
be transcribed more easily if you first identify the key and then work with the chords on the table that belong in that
key. For songwriters, the diagram is a handy guide to which chords sound good together. It will also help you to
identify chords in common in different keys to facilitate key changes. This does not mean that you cannot introduce
other chords into sequences, only that they may sound less natural. On the left you have the keys. C major is in the
middle, with no sharps or flats. As you go down the table, the keys are increasingly flat; in the opposite direction,
increasingly sharp. Notice that although there are only 12 notes there are 15 keys. This anomaly is explained by the
fact that three keys are different ways of writing out the same notes. Which name is chosen depends on whether you
are composing on the flat or sharp side of things.

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