Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1



Pa RT I.Co g n i t i v e th e o r y a n d re s e a rC h o n an x i e t y 1
Chapter 1. Anxiety: A Common but Multifaceted Condition 3
Chapter 2. The Cognitive Model of Anxiety 31
Chapter 3. Empirical Status of the Cognitive Model of Anxiety 58
Chapter 4. Vulnerability to Anxiety 101

PaRT II. Co g n i t i v e th e r a p y o f an x i e ty:
as s e s s m e n t a n d in t e r v e n t i o n st r a t e g i e s


Chapter 5. Cognitive Assessment and Case Formulation 127
Chapter 6. Cognitive Interventions for Anxiety 180
Chapter 7. Behavioral Interventions: A Cognitive Perspective 234

PaRT III. Co g n i t i v e th e o r y a n d tr e a t m e n t
o f sp eC i f iC an x i e t y di s o r d e r s


Chapter 8. Cognitive Therapy of Panic Disorder 275
Chapter 9. Cognitive Therapy of Social Phobia 332
Chapter 10. Cognitive Therapy of Generalized Anxiety Disorder 388
Chapter 11. Cognitive Therapy of Obsessive– Compulsive Disorder 446

Chapter 12. Cognitive Therapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 491

References 557
Index 611
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