Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1



Co g n iT i v e Th e r a p y o f an x i eT y

Assessment and Intervention Strategies

The reformulated generic cognitive model of anxiety presented in Part I pro-

vides a framework for assessment and case formulation as well as for cognitive
and behavioral approaches to intervention that are common across the anxiety
disorders. In this sense cognitive therapy is transdiagnostic, targeting maladap-
tive cognitive structures and processes that are common across the various sub-
types of anxiety. The chapters in this part of the book provide detailed, step-
by-step instructions for basic cognitive assessment and treatment approaches
that are relevant to all forms of anxious symptom presentation. Chapter 5 dis-
cusses standardized measures for assessing general anxiety as well as a frame-
work and case illustration for developing a cognitive case formulation for anxi-
ety. Chapter 6 explains how to implement cognitive intervention strategies like
education, self- monitoring, cognitive restructuring, and generating alternatives
to modify the exaggerated threat and vulnerability appraisals and beliefs in
anxiety disorders. Chapter 7 focuses on the critical role played by behavioral
interventions such as exposure, response prevention, and directed behavioral
change in cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. Together these chapters pro-
vide basic instruction in how to implement core cognitive and behavioral inter-
vention strategies that provide the scaffolding for the disorder- specific cogni-
tive therapy discussed in Part III.
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