Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

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Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Scienc

e and Practice

by David A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck. Copy

right 2010 by The Guilford Press. Permission to photocopy

this appendix is granted to purchasers of this book fo

r personal use only (see copyright page for details).


Apprehensive Thoughts Self-Monitoring Form




Please write down any situations or experiences that caused an in

crease in your anxiety. After rating the level of anxiety experienced

in the situation in the second column, write down your response to the q

uestions posed in the next columns based on what you were thinking

and feeling in the situation. Try to fill in this form while you are in th

e anxious situation or as soon afterward as possible.

anxiety-Provoking Situation
[Describe briefly in a few words and

include date and time of day]

anxiety Level
[0–100 scale]

Worst Possible Outcome
[What’s the worst possible thing that could happen regardless of

how unlikely or unrealistic?]

What’s not right about the situation?

[What’s disconcerting

about the situation or about how you feel or could behave? o

r how

could others behave toward you

that would be upsetting?]

What would ease your

[How could the situation

change to ease your anxiety? How could you change or others change

to ease your anxiety?]

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