Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

aPPENDIX 5.7 (page 2 of 2)

Behavioral and Emotional Responses

How Often
[0–100 scale]

Effective in
[0–100 scale]

of anxiety
[0 –100]

  1. Speak or act more quickly in a hurried manner

  2. become quiet, withdraw from others

  3. Seek medical/professional help (e.g., call
    therapist or gP; go to emergency)

  4. Use Internet to chat with friend or obtain

  5. Reduce physical activity level

  6. Rest, take a nap

  7. Try to find solution to the problem causing me

  8. Pray, meditate in effort to reduce anxious

  9. Have a smoke

  10. Have a cup of coffee

  11. gamble

  12. Engage in pleasurable activity

  13. Eat comforting food (e.g., favorite junk food)

  14. Seek some place that makes me feel safe, not

  15. Listen to relaxing music

  16. Watch Tv or videos (DvDs)

  17. Do something that is relaxing (e.g., take a
    warm bath or shower, have a massage)

  18. Seek out a person who makes me feel safe,
    not anxious

  19. Do nothing, just let the anxiety “burn itself

  20. Engage in physical exercise (e.g., go to the
    gym, run)

  21. Read spiritual, religious, or meditative material
    (e.g., bible, poetry, inspirational books)

  22. go shopping (buy things)

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