Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

Panic Disorder 317

Cognitive Restructuring of Catastrophic Misinterpretation

Cognitive restructuring fulfills two functions in cognitive therapy of panic: it introduces
conflicting evidence for the catastrophic misinterpretation and it offers an alternative
explanation for internal sensations. In panic disorder evidence gathering, identifying
cognitive errors (i.e., exaggerating the probability and severity of imminent danger), and
generating alternative explanations will be most helpful. See Chapter 6 for a detailed
discussion of these cognitive intervention strategies.
It is often useful to begin cognitive restructuring with a very clear description of
the most feared catastrophic outcome and then generate a list of possible alternative
explanations for the physical sensations. The Symptom Reappraisal Form (Appendix

table 8.8. symptom induction exercises Commonly used in the treatment of panic Disorder
Exercise Evoked physical sensation Example of misinterpretation of threat

  1. Hyperventilate for 1 minute Breathlessness,
    smothering sensation

“I can’t stand this; I think I am going to
faint if I continue.”

  1. Hold breath for 30 seconds Breathlessness,
    smothering sensation

“What if I can’t breathe normally? I
could suffocate.”

  1. Breathe through narrow
    straw for 2 minutes

smothering sensation

“I need to get more air or I’ll

  1. Spin around at medium pace
    while standing for 1 minute

Dizzy or faint “If I let myself feel nauseous, I might
vom it.”

  1. Place head between knees
    for 30 seconds and then raise
    head quickly

Dizzy or faint “When I feel lightheaded, could this be
a sign of a stroke?”

  1. Shake head rapidly from side
    to side for 30 seconds

Dizzy or faint “When feeling dizzy I am losing
contact with reality which could lead to
insan it y.”

  1. Tense all body muscles for 1

Trembling, shaking “People will notice that I am trembling
and think there is something wrong
with me.”

  1. Run on spot for 1 minute Pounding, racing heart “I could have a heart attack.”

  2. Sit facing a heater for 2

Breathless, smothering
sensation, sweating

“People will be disgusted by my

  1. Place tongue depressor at
    back of tongue for 30 seconds

Choking sensation “This choking feels so bad it could
cause me to vomit.”

  1. Stare continuously at
    fluorescent light for 1 minute
    and then try to read

Dizzy or faint; feeling
of unreality

“My environment is feeling weird. This
could mean that I am starting to go

  1. Stare continuously at self in
    mirror for 2 minutes

Feeling unreal, dreamy;
dizzy or faint

“If I feel spacey I could lose contact
w ith realit y.”

  1. Stare continuously at spot on
    wall for 3 minutes

Feeling unreal, dreamy;
dizzy or faint

“Feelings of unreality means that I
could be having a stroke.”
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