Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1



Page numbers followed by “f” or “t” indicate figures or tables

Acceptance, defined, 223
Acceptance and commitment therapy, 223–224
Acute stress disorder; see also Posttraumatic stress
criteria and controversy, 495, 496t
memory bias in, 520–521
thought suppression in, 523
Adrenocorticotropic hormone, 22
Affective schemas, 45t, 46; see also Schemas; Self-
Agitation, exaggerated faulty appraisal and threat-
oriented schema associated with, 145t
absence of safety signals and, 49
automatic safety seeking and, 85
defined, 283
inhibited safety processing and, 38
with panic disorder, 276–277, 284–285, 288
partner-assisted exposure for, 244–245
Agoraphobic avoidance, 283
Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire, 300,
Albany Panic and Phobia Questionnaire, 307–308
Alcohol use disorder, comorbidity with anxiety
disorders, 10
All-or-nothing thinking, definition and examples, 169
Alternative interpretations
in anxiety disorders, 212t
in cognitive interventions, 210–211
in OCD, 477t, 481

Alternative Interpretations Form, 230
cognitive process mediation of, 28
fear response and, 19–21, 28
anticipatory, restructuring in social phobia,
372–374, 372t
apprehension and intolerance of, in panic disorder,
clinician guidelines for, 5, 7–8
cognitive interventions for (see Cognitive
cognitive model of (see Cognitive model of
daily living and, 4
defining, 4–6
in client education, 191
versus depression, 79–81
DSM-IV classification and, 8
dysfunctional cognition and, 6
events provoking, 3–4
fear and, 4–10
future orientation of, 5
heightened, in response prevention, preparing client
for, 253–254
impaired functioning and, 6–7
negative interpretation of
in cognitive model of anxiety, 55t
empirical status of, 75–79
neurobiological basis of, 19
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