Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

612 Index

Anxiety (cont.)
versus abnormal, 6–9, 29, 52–54, 52t
secondary elaborative processing in, 53–54
overview of, 3–30
versus panic, 279
persistence of, 7
pervasiveness of, 29
prevalence of, 4
research on, cognitive theory and, 1
stimulus hypersensitivity and, 7
vulnerability to (see Vulnerability)
Anxiety activation, inappropriate
cognitive explanation for, 192, 193f
consequences of, 193
Anxiety beliefs; see also Beliefs; Schemas; Self-
dysfunctional, 117–119
Anxiety disorders; see also specific disorders
affective symptoms of, 16t
behavioral interventions for (see Behavioral
behavioral symptoms of, 16t
biological aspects of, 16–22, 16t
case illustrations, 127, 157–160 (see also under
specific disorders)
catastrophic interpretations, desired outcome, and
alternative interpretation, 212t
in childhood and adolescence, 11
cognitive symptoms of, 16t
with comorbid depression, 9–10
with comorbid substance use, 10
consequences and outcome, 14–15
cultural differences in, 12–13, 14t
DSM-IV core features of, 9t
early detection and treatment of, 15
false alarms and, 7
forms of, 30
gender differences in, 12
persistence and course of, 13–14
physiological symptoms of, 11, 16t
prevalence of, 11–12
psychophysiology of, 16–18
risk factors for, 12
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-IV
for GAD, 415
for OCD, 469
for panic disorder, 306
for PTSD, 524
for social phobia, 361, 364
Anxiety management; see also cognitive therapy for
under specific disorders
during exposure interventions, 245–246
Anxiety neurosis, limitations of term, 8
Anxiety Reappraisal Form, 175
Anxiety reduction system, 50
Anxiety sensitivity, 104–108
cognitive model and, 108
diagnostic specificity of, 106–107

experimental validation of, 106
prospective studies of, 107
psychometric validation of, 105
treatment effects in, 107
Anxiety Sensitivity Index, 105–106
in panic disorder assessment, 311
schematic vulnerability and, 117, 298–299
Anxiety-provoking situation, naturalistic; see also In
vivo exposures
accompanying client in, 144
Anxious Appraisal Form, 157, 228
Anxious arousal, social phobia and, 336
Anxious thoughts
identification of, in cognitive interventions, 197–200
lack of specificity for, 80–81
Anxious Thoughts Inventory, 411
for GAD, 416–417
Anxiousness, state of, secondary elaborative
reappraisal and, 86–99
Applied relaxation, 264–266
treatment protocol for, 265t
Appraisal of Social Concerns, 364
Appraisals; see also Threat appraisal
of control, in OCD, 461
cognitive restructuring in OCD, 479–480
focus on, 182–184
modifying, 184–186
in OCD, 455–456, 455f, 457f, 465–466
of obsessions, 460–461
versus obsessions, 478–479
trauma, 531–532
Apprehensive Thoughts Self-Monitoring Form, 166
Arousal; see Autonomic arousal
Assessment and case formulation, 127–179; see also
under specific disorders
case illustration, 157–160
assessment of secondary reappraisal in, 160
diagnostic and symptom assessment in, 158–
immediate fear response assessment in, 159–
treatment goals in, 160
diagnostic interviews in, 128–131
quick reference summary of, 179
secondary reappraisal in, 147–157
cognitive coping and role of worry in, 152–157
constructive mode in, 151, 152t
for deliberate safety-seeking behavior, 149–151
evaluation of coping abilities in, 148–149
threat reappraisal and, 157
situational analysis in, elements of, 140–141
symptom measures in, 131–135
Beck Anxiety Inventory, 131–132
Beck Depression Inventory—II, 135
Cognitions Checklist, 133
Daily Mood Rating, 134–135, 134f
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, 132–133
Hamilton Rating Scale of Anxiety, 132
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