Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

I n d e x 615

modifying biased threat, vulnerability, safety
appraisals and beliefs, 184–186
normalizing fear and anxiety, 186–187
shifting threat focus, 182
strengthening personal efficacy, 187–189
quick reference summary of, 232–233
strategies for, 190–217
cognitive restructuring, 200–209
educating client, 190–197
empirical hypothesis-testing, 211–217
generating alternative explanations, 210–211
identifying thinking errors, 209–210
self-monitoring and identification of anxious
thoughts, 197–200
strategies in development, 217–225
attentional training technique, 217–219
imaginal reprocessing and expressive writing,
metacognitive intervention, 219–221
mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment in,
Cognitive Intrusions Questionnaire, 411
Cognitive mediation, in maintenance of anxiety, 25
Cognitive model of anxiety, 31–57, 32f
activating situations, events, and stimuli, 42–43, 43t
anxiety sensitivity and, 108
automatic and strategic processing in, 34–36, 35t
automatic threat-relevant thoughts in, 47–48
central tenets of, 36–42, 36t
cognitive processing errors in, 47
constructive mode thinking in, 50
coping resource evaluation in, 48–49
defensive inhibitory responses in, 47
description of, 42–51
empirical status, 58–100
of attentional threat bias, 58–65
of detrimental cognitive compensatory strategies,
of diminished attentional safety processing,
of elevated disorder-specific threat cognitions,
of exaggerated threat appraisals, 68–72
of facilitated threat elaboration, 86–91
heightened autonomic arousal in, 46–47
heightened vulnerability in, 32–34
hypotheses of, 54, 55t–56t
of ineffective defensive strategies, 82–85
of inhibited safety elaboration, 91–92
of negative interpretation of anxiety, 75–79
orienting mode and, 44
overview of, 32–36
primal threat mode activation in, 44–46, 45t
search for safety cues in, 49
summary and conclusion, 54, 56–57
threat reappraisal in, 51
of threat-biased cognitive errors, 72–75
worry initiation in, 50–51
summary and conclusion, 99–100

Cognitive primacy, 36t, 41
Cognitive processing errors, 47, 147
in fear, 20–21
in OCD, 459–460
Cognitive Responses to Anxiety Checklist, 155, 174,
311, 368, 422
Cognitive restructuring
of anticipatory anxiety, 372–374, 372t
of catastrophic misinterpretation, in panic disorder,
in cognitive interventions, 200–209
with cost-benefit analysis, 205–207
decatastrophizing in, 207–209
disorder-focused, in PTSD, 546–547
empirical hypothesis-testing in, 211–217
with evidence gathering, 201–205
during exposure interventions, 245
generating alternative explanations in, 210–211
identifying thinking errors in, 209–210
of intolerance of uncertainty beliefs in GAD,
435– 436
of metacognitive beliefs about worry, 434
in OCD therapy, 477t, 479–481
in PTSD, 537t
in social phobia, 372–374, 372t, 375t–376t,
trauma-focused, in PTSD, 540–543
Cognitive self-consciousness, in OCD, 465–466
Cognitive specificity, in anxiety disorder subtypes,
Cognitive strategies, maladaptive, in PTSD, 522–
Cognitive theory, anxiety research and, 1
Cognitive therapy, for specific disorders, 273; see
also specific disorders
Cognitive therapy of anxiety, 125
assessment and case formulation in, 127–170 (see
also Assessment and case formulation)
Cognitive triggers
in assessment of fear activation, 138t, 139
interview questions for assessing, 138t
Cognitive vulnerability; see Vulnerability
Cognitive vulnerability model of anxiety, 111–122,
enduring threat-related beliefs and, 116–122
and heightened sense of personal vulnerability,
113 –115
Cognitive-conceptual schemas, 45, 45t
Common Errors and Biases in Anxiety, 373
“Common Reactions to Assault” handout, 538
Comorbidity; see also under specific disorders
diagnostic versus prognostic, 8
Compensatory strategies, detrimental cognitive,
empirical status of, 92–99
Compulsions; see also Obsessive-compulsive disorder
characteristics of, 473t
Compulsive responses, 146
Conditioning theories, 23–25
Constructive mode, activation of, 151, 152t
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