Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

616 Index

Constructive mode thinking, 50
normal anxiety and, 53
Constructive problem-solving training, in GAD,
in OCD
faulty evaluation of, 461
forms of, 462
need for, 463–465, 466–467, 475, 480
perceived lack of, 467–468
in panic attacks, perceived lack of, 279
in PTSD, need for, 515
Coping abilities, evaluation of, 148–149
Coping strategies; see also Cognitive coping
activation of, 151, 152t
alternative, developing, 255
appraisal of, 37–38, 48–49
normal anxiety and, 53
maladaptive, identifying, 252
in PTSD, 533
response prevention and, 251–258
Cortical regions, higher order, fear response and,
Corticotropin-releasing hormone, 22
Cost-benefit analysis
in OCD, 480
procedure for, 205–207
in PTSD, 541
in social phobia, 373
Cost-benefit analysis form, 229
Cultural factors
in anxiety disorders, 12–13, 14t
in social phobia, 342


Daily Anxiety Ratings and Situation Record, 162
Daily Mood Rating, 134–135, 134f
Daily Record of Primary Obsessions, 473, 488
Daily Social Anxiety Self-Monitoring form, 364,
Danger; see also Threat; Threat appraisal; Threat
alarm response to, 33
perceptions of, 34
Debate, therapist-client, avoiding, 182
in GAD, 429–431
in social phobia, 373
Declarative memory, fear response and, 20–21
Defensive inhibitory responses, 47
Defensive responses, assessment of, 146–147
Defensive strategies, ineffective
in cognitive model of anxiety, 55t
empirical status of, 82–85
anxiety versus, 79–81
cognitive errors in, 74–75

comorbidity of, 8
with anxiety disorders, 9–10
with GAD, 391–392, 398, 402
with OCD, 453–454
with panic disorder, 284–285
with PTSD, 505–506
with social phobia, 344
diminished personal control and, 110
hopelessness in, 79–80
life events and, 111
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, 132–133
Desensitization, systematic, 259
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR); see also under
specific disorders
anxiety classification in, 8
Diagnostic interviews, 128–131
Diagram of Cognitive Case Conceptualization of
Anxiety, 176–178
Diathesis-stress models, vulnerability and, 110–111
Diathesis-stress perspective, in cognitive model, 42
Directed behavioral change, characteristics of,
256–258, 256t
Disorder-specific threat cognitions, elevated,
empirical status of, 79–82
Dissociation, in PTSD, 515, 522–523, 535
Dissociation hypothesis, for panic disorder, 304–305
Dissociative symptoms
in acute stress disorder, 495, 496t
in PTSD, 494t
Dot probe detection
of attentional threat bias, 62–64
visual, 62–63
DSM-IV-TR; see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR); under
specific disorders


Elaborative processes, secondary, 48
in panic disorder, 294–295
Elaborative processing of present
in GAD treatment, 436–437
in PTSD, 514–516
EMDR; see Eye movement desensitization and
Emotion attenuation, in PTSD treatment, 549
Emotion suppression, 96, 98–99
Emotional reasoning
definition and examples, 169
in negative interpretation of anxiety, 75–76
Emotional Stroop task, for assessing attentional bias
in anxiety, 59–62, 61f
Empirical hypothesis-testing, 211–217; see also
Behavioral interventions
steps in, 213–217
Empirical hypothesis-testing experiments, in panic
disorder treatment, 318–319
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