Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

I n d e x 619

Hyperventilation exercise, for panic disorder,
315–316, 317t, 322
Hypervigilence theory of anxiety, 112
Hypothesis-testing, empirical, 211–217
form for, 231
steps in, 213–217


Identifying Anxious Thinking Errors Form, 311, 373
Imagery, for determining first apprehensive thoughts,
143 –144
Imaginal exposures, 247–250
audio habituation training in, 250
fear imagery scripts in, 249–250
to trauma memory, in PTSD, 543–545
versus in vivo exposure, 248
Imaginal reprocessing, 221–222
in response to threat, 33, 82–83
tonic, 146
Impact of Event Scale, 526
Impact Statement, in PTSD, 540–542
Implicit Association Test, for assessing automatic
threat evaluation, 71–72
Implicit memory bias, 88–89
lexical decision tasks for assessing, 70
primed stimulus identification tasks for assessing,
70 –71
word completion tasks for assessing, 69–70
Implicit memory tasks, for assessing automatic threat
evaluation, 69
In vivo exposures, 246–247; see also Exposure
versus imaginal exposure, 248
for panic disorder, 238
graded, 319–320
in PTSD treatment, 537t, 547
Induction exercises, for determining first apprehensive
thoughts, 144
Information processing, defined, 33–34
Inhibition, involuntary, in social phobia, 336–337,
Inhibitory responses
defensive, 47
immediate, assessment of, 146–147
Insomnia, GAD and, 402
Interoceptive amplification hypothesis, for panic
disorder, 303–304
Interoceptive exposures, 250–251
Interoceptive hypersensitivity, in panic disorder,
assessment of, 310
Interoceptive triggers
in assessment of fear activation, 137, 138t, 139
cognitive, 139
focus on, 293
Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory, 465
Interventions, cognitive; see Cognitive interventions

Interview questions
for accessing first apprehensive thoughts/images,
for assessing situational triggers, 138t
for identifying safety-seeking cognitions, 150
Interviews, diagnostic, 128–131
Intolerance of uncertainty
in GAD, 403, 403t, 407–409, 435–436
in OCD, 461, 463–465, 475, 479–480
Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, 407–408
for GAD, 417
Introversion, and vulnerability to anxiety, 103
Intrusive thoughts; see also Thought intrusions
in GAD, 401–402, 406–407
in OCD, 455–456, 455f, 460–461, 463
normalizing experience of, 477
in PTSD, trauma-related, 521–522
Involuntary inhibition, in social phobia, 336–337,


Jacobson, Edmund, 259–260
Jumping to conclusions, definition and examples, 169


Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 223


LeDoux’s dual pathway, 19, 20f
in fear module, 26
Lexical decision tasks, for assessing implicit memory,
Life events, stressful; see also Trauma, in PTSD;
Trauma exposure
anxiety and, 110–111
anxiety vulnerability and, 122
GAD and, 398–399
OCD and, 452
panic disorder and, 287–288
social phobia and, 345–346
Life tasks, and worry in GAD, 410
Lightheadedness, exaggerated faulty appraisal and
threat-oriented schema associated with, 145t
Little Hans, Freud’s case study of, two-factor theory
and, 23–24, 24f
Looming maladaptive style, 73–74
Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire, 74


Magnification, as processing error, 47
Managing Social Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy Approach, 371
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