Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

622 Index

Panic disorder (cont.)
comorbidity of
with agoraphobia, 288
with GAD, 398
with social phobia, 344
descriptive characteristics, 287–288
dissociation in, 295t, 304–305
DSM-IV core features of, 9
emotional Stroop evaluation of, 59
epidemiology of, 287–288
evidence gathering strategy for, 201–205
explicit memory bias and, 89–90
focus of negative anxiety interpretation in, 76t
in vivo exposure for, 238
increased medical morbidity and mortality and,
intensive, massed exposure for, 242
interoceptive amplification in, 295t, 303–304
interoceptive hypersensitivity in, 295t, 296–298
loss of reappraisal capability in, 293–294
paradoxical intention in treatment of, 245–246
physiological arousal in, 45
PTSD and, 505–506
response prevention in treatment of, 252–253
safety seeking in, 295t, 305–306
schematic activation of, 291–292, 291t
schematic vulnerability in, 295t, 298–299
secondary elaborative processes in, 294–295
suicide attempts and, 285
symptom intensification and defense in, 293
threat focus in, 182
threat probability, severity, vulnerability, and safety
estimates in, 185t
triggers for, 289, 290t
Panic induction exercises, 250
Panic log, weekly, 309–310
Paradoxical intention
as “blocking” strategy, 254
during exposure interventions, 245–246
Parasympathetic nervous system, in anxiety disorders,
16 –17
Parenting practices, anxiety vulnerability and, 112
Penn State Worry Questionnaire, 117–118, 134, 416
Perfectionism, in OCD, 461, 463–465
Personal control, diminished, anxiety vulnerability
and, 108–110
Personal efficacy; see Self-efficacy
Personal goals
GAD and, 419–420
and worry in GAD, 410
anxiety vulnerability and, 103–110, 122
GAD and, 398–399
OCD and, 452–453
Personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive, 452
Phobias; see also Social phobia
behavioral escape/avoidance and, 83–84
cognitive avoidance and, 84–85
genetic factors in, 18

with panic disorder, 284–285
two-factor model and, 24
Physical Sensation Self-Monitoring Form, 164–165
Physiological arousal
in acute stress disorder, 496t
assessment of, 144–145, 145t
in panic attacks, 278, 291t
in PTSD, 493, 494t, 513–514
negative appraisals of, 514–515
in social phobia, 357–358
Physiological schemas, 45–46, 45t
Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory, 518, 527–528
Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, 526
Posttraumatic stress disorder
attentional threat bias in, 513
automatic safety seeking and, 85
automatic thoughts in, 79, 80t
behavioral escape/avoidance and, 83–84
beliefs about, 512, 512t, 518–519, 532, 535
case illustration of, 491–493, 513, 533–535,
541–543, 545–548
catastrophic interpretations, desired outcome, and
alternative interpretation, 212t
cognitive assessment and case formulation in,
524 –535
avoidance and safety seeking and, 533
beliefs and interpretations of intrusions and, 532
case conceptualization in, 528–535, 529t
coping strategies profile and, 533
diagnostic interview and symptom measures in,
measures of cognition in, 527–528
nature of trauma and, 529t, 530–531
pretrauma assumptions/beliefs and, 528–530,
trauma beliefs and appraisals and, 531–532
trauma memory and, 531
cognitive control and suppression efforts in, 515
cognitive model of, 507–516, 508f
automatic processing in, 509–514, 511f
distress persistence in, 516
elaborative processing in, 514–516
empirical status of, 516–524
etiological level of, 507–509
cognitive therapy of, 491–555
cognition and control modifications in, 547–549
cognitive restructuring in, 537t
“Common Reactions to Assault” handout in,
comorbidity with, 505–506
comorbidity with social phobia, 344
conditional probability of, 502–503
course of, 501–503
description of, 536–549
diagnostic considerations, 493–497
acute stress disorder in, 495, 496t, 497
controversy in, 497
disorder-focused cognitive restructuring in,
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