Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

626 Index

Social phobia (cont.)
negative interpretation of anxiety in, 77
negative life events/social adversity and, 345–346
physiological arousal in, 46
prevalence of, 341
PTSD and, 505–506
response prevention in treatment of, 251
safety processing biases and, 67
versus shyness, 337–339, 338t
simple phobia and, 333–334
social situations and, 335
social skills deficit and, 346–347
specificity in, 114–115
threat probability, severity, vulnerability, and safety
estimates in, 185t
treatment delay/service utilization for, 343–344
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, 362
Social Phobia Scale, 361–362
Social skills deficit, social phobia and, 346–347
Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale, 364
Social threat; see also Threat
in social phobia, autobiographical recall of,
in social phobia therapy, 378–379
Social threat bias, in social phobia, 367
cognitive therapy and, 43
defined, 42–43
determining individual vital interests in, 43
PTSD and, 509
threats to, 43t
Specific neural circuity, in fear module, 26
Spontaneous exposure, clinical questions about, 152t
State anxiety, attentional threat bias and, 60
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 133
Stimulus hypersensitivity, 7
Stimulus identification tasks, for assessing attentional
threat bias, 64
Strategic processing, 34–36, 35t
in threat appraisal, 40
Stress, panic disorder and, 287–288
Stroop interference effect, in PTSD, 519–520
Stroop task, emotional, for assessing attentional bias
in anxiety, 59–62, 61f
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-I/NP, for
GAD, 415
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
for OCD, 469
for panic disorder, 306
for PTSD, 524
for social phobia, 361
Substance abuse
with anxiety disorders, 10
with panic disorder, 285
with PTSD, 505–506
with social phobia, 344
Suicide attempts, panic and, 285
Support network, as “blocking” strategy, 254
Sympathetic nervous system, in anxiety disorders,
16 –17

Symptom induction exercises
for panic disorder, 317t
in therapy of panic disorder, 315–316
Symptom reappraisal, in panic disorder, 320–321
Symptom Reappraisal Form, 317–318, 320
Systematic desensitization, 259


10 Simple Solutions to Panic, 194
anxiety and, 3–4
trauma due to, 502
Testing Anxious Appraisals: Looking for Evidence
Form, 373
Text passages, ambiguous, for assessing threat-biased
interpretations, 87
Thalamo-amygdala pathway, 19–20
in fear module, 26
Thalamo-cortical-amygdala pathway, 19–20
Therapist, modeling behaviors of, 257
all-or-nothing, definition and examples, 169
constructive mode, 50
constructive/reflective, impaired, 39
Thinking errors
definitions and examples, 169
identifying, 170
Thinking/reasoning, impaired, 36t
Thought Control Questionnaire, for GAD, 417
Thought intrusions; see also Intrusive thoughts
in OCD, 465–466
interpretations of, 532
negative appraisals of, 514–515
trauma-related, 513–514, 520–521, 534
Thought recording, 197–198
Thought suppression, 96–98
in acute stress disorder, 523
negative effects of, 97–98
in OCD, 466–467
perceived failure of, 467–468
prevalence of, 96–97
in PTSD, 515, 522–523, 535
Thought suppression experiment, example of,
Thought-action fusion, in OCD, 460–461
Thought-Action Fusion Scale, 464
anxious (see Anxious thoughts)
automatic (see Automatic thoughts)
automatic threat-relevant, 47–48
intrusive (see Intrusive thoughts)
Threat; see also Primal threat mode activation; Social
appraisal of, vulnerability and, 32–33
attentional bias for, in GAD, 391–392
avoiding verbal debates about, 182
beliefs about, in PTSD, 518–519
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