Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

(sharon) #1

628 Index

Vulnerability (cont.)
cognitive (see Cognitive vulnerability)
cognitive model of, 111–122, 113f
definitions and cardinal features, 32, 102–103, 111
diminished personal control and, 108–110
dot probe detection of, 63
in GAD, 402, 403t, 407–409
heightened sense of
in cognitive model of anxiety, 32–34, 56t
empirical status of, 113–115
life event precipitants and, 110–111
negative self-perception and, 111
in OCD, 468–469
perceived, challenging, 187–189
personality factors in, 103–110
psychological, defined, 108
PTSD and, 499–501, 509
reappraisal of, clinical questions about, 152t
versus risk, 102
schematic, in panic disorder, 298–299
summary and conclusion, 122–123
threat misinterpretation and, 111
threat-relevant schemas and, 116
worry in reappraisal of, 405
Vulnerability estimates, modifying, 184–186, 185t


War, anxiety and, 3–4
Weekly Panic Log, 309–310
White Bear Suppression Inventory, 96–97
Working memory
fear response and, 20–21
trauma representation in, 512
Worry, 35, 93–95; see also Generalized anxiety
cognitive measures of, 416–417
defining, 50, 393–394
in DSM-IV criteria for GAD, 392
dysfunctional beliefs and, 118–119
excessive, 93–94
role of, 152–154
threat interpretation bias and, 95
exploring disadvantages of, 206–207

function of, 394–395
in GAD, 401, 407–409
and loss of perceived safety, 414–415
metacognition of, 403–404, 403t, 408–409
metacognitive appraisals of, 420–422
primary content of, 419
thought suppression contraindicated for,
412– 413
initiation of, 50–51
measures of, 416
nature of, 393–395
negative evaluation of, 405
normal anxiety and, 54
avoidance and problem solving and, 94–95
causes of, 426
in GAD, 411–412
negative effects of, 94
productive versus unproductive, 426, 427–428,
in reappraisal of threat and vulnerability, 405
threat vigilance and, 84–85
as “uncontrollable,” 413
Worry about worry, in GAD, 76–77
Worry about Worry Self-Monitoring Form, 444
Worry control, strategies for, 422, 422t
Worry Domains Questionnaire, 416
Worry Exposure Form, 443
Worry induction, procedure for, 429–430
Worry management
present-moment focus of attention in, 437
repeated worry expression in, in GAD, 431–432
safety cue processing in, 432–433
shifting from content to underlying factors in, 426
worry induction and decatastrophizing in, 429–
Worry Self-Monitoring Form, 173, 311, 419
Worry Self-Monitoring Form A, 153–154
Worry Self-Monitoring Form B, 420, 442
Writing, expressive, 221–222


Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, 451, 470
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