Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

384 Conditioning and Learning

constant (B+Be= k), and are maintained by rates of sched-
uled and extraneous reinforcement (RandRe), respectively.
Based on the second assumption,

 ⇒ B (13.3)

Equation 13.3 defines a hyperbola, with two parameters, k
andRe. The denominator represents the context of reinforce-
mentfor a particular response—the total amount of rein-
forcement in the situation. De Villiers and Herrnstein (1976)
fit Equation 13.3 to a large number of data sets and found that
it generally gave an excellent description of response rates
under VI schedules. Subsequent research has generally con-
firmed the hyperbolic relation between response rate and
reinforcement rate, although lower-than-predicted response
rates are sometimes observed at very high reinforcement
rates (Baum, 1993). In addition, Equation 13.3 has been
derived from a number of different theoretical perspectives
(Killeen, 1994; McDowell & Kessel, 1979; Staddon, 1977).
Herrnstein (1970) also developed a version of the match-
ing law that was applicable to multiple schedules. In a multi-
ple schedule, access to two (or more) different schedules
occur successively and are signaled by discriminative stim-
uli. A well-known result in multiple schedules is behavioral
contrast:Response rate in a component that provides a con-
stant rate of reinforcement varies inversely with the rein-
forcement rate in the other component (see B. A. Williams,
1983, for review). Herrnstein suggested that the reinforce-
ment rate in the alternative component served as part of
the reinforcement context for behavior in the constant







component. However, the contribution of alternative compo-
nent reinforcement was attenuated by a parameter (m), which
describes the degree of interaction at a temporal distance,

B 1  (13.4)

with subscripts referring to the components of the multiple
schedule. Equation 13.4 correctly predicts most behavioral
contrast, but has difficulties with some other phenomena (see
McLean & White, 1983, for review). Alternative models for
multiple-schedule performance also based on the matching
law have been proposed that alleviate these problems
(McLean, 1995; McLean & White, 1983; B. A. Williams &
Wixted, 1986).

Matching to Relative Value. The effects of variables
other than reinforcement rate were examined in several early
studies, which found that response allocation in concurrent
schedules obeyed the matching relation when magnitude
(i.e., seconds of access to food; Catania, 1963) and delay of
reinforcement (Chung & Herrnstein, 1967) were varied.
Baum and Rachlin (1969) then proposed that the matching
law might apply most generally to reinforcement value,with
value being defined as a multiplicative combination of rein-
forcement parameters,


withMbeing reinforcement magnitude, Dbeing delay, and V
being value.
Equation 13.5 represents a significant extension of the
matching law, enabling it to apply to a broader range of
choice situations (note that frequently a generalized version
of Equation 13.5 with exponents, analogous to Equa-
tion 13.2, has been used here; e.g., Logue, Rodriguez, Pena-
Correal, & Mauro, 1984). One of the most important of these
isself-control, which has been a major focus of research
because of its obvious relevance for human behavior. In a
self-control situation, subjects are confronted with a choice
between a small reinforcer available immediately (or after a
short delay), and a larger reinforcer available after a longer
delay. Typically, overall reinforcement gain is maximized by
choosing the delayed, larger reinforcer, which is defined as
self-control (Rachlin & Green, 1972; see Rachlin, 1995, for
review). By contrast, choice of the smaller, less delayed rein-
forcer is termed impulsivity. For example, if pigeons are
given a choice between a small reinforcer (2-s access to
grain) delayed by 1 s or a large reinforcer (6-s access to grain)
delayed by 6 s, then Equation 13.5 predicts that 67% of
the choice responses will be for the small reinforcer (i.e., the





1 DL

1 DR





kR 1

R 1 mR 2 Re

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200250300



115, 8.5 100, 300

70, 4 75, 2

69, 11 68, 5

Figure 13.3 Response rate as a function of reinforcement rate for six
pigeons responding under VI schedules. The numbers in each panel are the
estimates of kandRefor fits of Equation 13.3. Source:From Herrnstein

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