Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

40-Hz hypothesis, 22, 23
50% irregular partial reward schedule, 406

Absolute frequency judgment tasks, 478
Accessibility principle, 492
Accommodation, 214, 584
Acoustic theory, 253
Acquisition-focused models, 370–371
ACT* model, 453–454
declarative memory and, 500
Acta Psychologica, 659
Action selection:
applications, 310–312
changes in, 310
history, 294–295
models of, 295–297
overview, 293–294, 312
psychological measures of, 297–298
speed-accuracy trade-off, 297
stimulus information, 298–307
Action space, 220
Active filler strategy, 533
Adjusting-delay procedure, 381
Aerial perspective, 215
Affect infusion model (AIM):
mood congruence and, 65–66, 67–68, 70
mood dependence and, 73, 74–75
Affect-as-information (AAI) model, 64
Affine transformation, 220
Affordances, theory of, 194
Aging, psychology of, 662–663
apperceptive, 199
associative, 199
visual, 199
Alcoholism, mood dependence and, 71
Algorithm, 643
context and domain specific, 635
edge-detection, 185
problem solving and, 638
social-contract, 632, 636–637
Alien hand syndrome, 15
Alliesthesia, 37, 38
Alzheimer’s disease, 25, 464
episodic memory and, 478
American Psychological Association (APA), 650, 651, 652, 666–667
American Psychological Society, 651–652, 667
Amnesia, 15
anosognosia and, 19
anterograde, 482
repetition priming and, 461
childhood, 486, 489
consciousness and, 16
implicit memory and, 7, 12

infantile, 493
mood dependence and, 71
repetition priming and, 464
retrograde, 482
Amodal completion, 183, 188–190
Amygdala, 47–48
Analgesia, 42, 43, 47, 48
Analogy, 639
Analysis by synthesis, 541
Ancillary measure, 219
Animal cognition:
overview, 399–402
processes, 403–419
See also Pavlovian conditioning
Anisotrophy, 159–160
Annual Review of Psychology, 667
Anosognosia, 15–16, 19
Anton’s syndrome, 15
Aphasia, jargon, 19
Appetitive behavior, 39–40, 55. See also Motivation, feeding
Applied Experimental Psychology, 654
Arbitrariness, 415
Aristotle, 4, 6, 575
Army Air Force, 654
Articulatory phonology, 242
Artificial intelligence (AI), 17, 551, 586
Aspect graph theory, 205
Aspect ratio, 204
Aspiration, 241
Associability, 371
Associationist psychology, 20–21
Associative network model, 63
Asynchronous discrete coding model, 297
Asynchrony, negative, 331
memory and, 431–432
overview, 269–270, 287–288
processing, 280–287
selection, 270–280
tasks, 307–309
Attentional blink, 286–287
Attentional dwell time, 281, 286–287
Attractiveness, sexual motivation and, 51
auditory nerve, 128–130
central auditory nervous system, 130–131
complex vibrations, 122–123
decibels, 124
discrimination, 134
earwitness testimony, 657–658
future research in, 142–144
inner ear, 126–128
effects of precedence, 136

Subject Index

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