Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

700 Subject Index

lateralization vs., 135–136
models of sound, 135
in three-dimensional space, 134–135
masking, 132–133
temporal, 133–134
middle ear, 125–126
outer ear, 125
reflections, 124
reverberation, 124
simple vibrations, 122
sound codes, 554–557
sound propagation, 123–124
sound shadows, 124
sound source determination, 121–122
source segregation, 136
common modulation, 140–141
models/theories of, 141–142
onsets and offsets, 140
pitch and timbre, 138–139
spatial separation, 137–138
spectral profile, 139
spectral separation, 136
temporal separation, 136–137
standing waves, 124
temporal modulation transfer functions, 134
thresholds of, 131–132
Auditory enhancement theory, 253
Auditory stream analysis, 136–137
Augmentation, 365
Aural harmonics, 132, 133
Autism, theory of mind and, 408
Autobiographical-event generation, 77
Automaticity, instance theory of, 500
Aviation, 662, 664
psychology, 659–660
Avoidance conditioning, 378
Axis curvature, 204

Band-reject noise, 132–133
Barber-pole effect, 216
Bartlett, Sir Frederic, 653–654
Batesian mimicry, 41
animal cognition and, 402
spatial learning, 412
audition and, 131, 143
Bayes’s rule, 101, 104–105
Bear, polar, 51–52
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), 48
Bees, animal cognition and, 402
language learning, 414
perception, 403
spatial learning, 412, 414
Behavior regulation theory, 387
Behavioral and Brain Science, 7
Behavioral contrast, 384
Behavioral momentum theory, 386
Behaviorism, 5, 399
Bereitschaftspotential, 322
Bewegungsgestalten, 336
Bimanual tasks, 338
criterion, 115
problem, 9, 21, 111

Biological intelligence, 357–358
Bipolar disorder, 71, 79
animal cognition and, 402–403
discrimination learning, 404
interval timing, 410
memory, 410, 411
numerical abilities, 407
perception, 403
serial learning, 406
spatial learning, 412, 413
audition and, 142
fear motivation and, 42–43
instrumental conditioning and, 383
reinforcement delay, 385
object identification and, 195
Pavlovian conditioning and, 359, 363– 364, 370
sexual motivation and, 49
Birmingham, Henry, 654
Bisection procedure, 410
Bisiach, Edoardo, 18–19
The Black Cloud, 229
Blau, Ben Ami, 654
aids for, 167–168
change, 281–282
consciousness and, 15
haptic space perception and, 159–160
inattentional, 10, 12, 14
repetition, 287
two-dimensional patterns and, 162
Blindsight, 18
lesions and, 334
Blindwalking, 221–222
Bliss points, 387
Blocking, 364–365
acquired behavior and, 373
instrumental conditioning and, 378
practice schedules and, 511
retrospective revaluation and, 369
Boeing, 656
Bottom-up factors, 273
Boundary assignment, 186
Boundary paradigm, 561
Boundary rules, 187
Bounded rationality, 640
Bower, Gordon, 70
Braille, 161, 167, 662
haptic memory and, 166
Briding, 584
Buchanan, Pat, 293
Buffer model, 436, 437
Burmese red junglefowl, 39–40
Bush, George W., 293

Calibration, 329, 330–331
Camouflage, 41, 182
Cancer, 661
Capacity-constrained construction integration (CCCI) model, 589
Care Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), 230
Cartesian Theater, 21
model, 296–297, 305
processing, 538
Catch theory, 104
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