Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 701

Categorical perception, 256, 258
Categorical syllogisms. SeeSyllogisms, categorical
explanation of, 600–602
future of, 615–616
language and, 613–615
overview, 599–600
perception and, 611–613
representation, 602–611
Cathexes, 38
Cats, 43
Central executive, 435
Ceteris paribus rules, 182
figure-ground organization and, 186
Chaining, backward /forward, 515
Change blindness. SeeBlindness, change
Chapanis, Alphonse, 654
Cheating detection theory, 632–633, 644
Imitation and, 408–409
temperature motivation and, 53
Chicken sexers, 9
perceptual span and, 560
word encoding and, 553, 554
Chomsky, Noam, 5, 527–528
Christianity, consciousness and, 4
Chunking, 405, 406, 508, 512, 513
hypothesis, 518
memory and, 411
memory retrieval and, 433
perceptual, 641
short-term memory and, 430
Click, 241
Closed-loop control, 333
Closed-loop process, 317, 320, 328
Closed-loop skill learning, 505
Coarticulation, 239
DIVA model and, 250
frame theory of, 249
lexical/phonotactic knowledge and, 260, 261
speech perception and, 253, 254
gesture theories, 255–256, 257
Cockpit resource management, 660
Cocktail party effect, 137, 138
Cognitive architecture, 626
Cognitive constructivism, 87–88
illusion and veridicality in, 96
modularity and, 95
optical stimulation information and, 91, 92
perception and cognition in, 94
percepts and neurons, 90
representational transformation and, 93
visual system function and, 89
vs. computational constructivism, 88
Cognitive effect, 636
Cognitive ethology, 400
Cognitive map, 412–413
Cognitive phase, 500
Cognitive revolution, 5
Cognitive system, vs. sensorimotor system, 334–335
Coherence, 581
Cohert visual orienting, 276
Cohesion, 581
Cohort theory, 528–529, 531

Cold-pressor stimulation, 16
Collaborative action-based production system (CAPS),
588, 589
Color, priming and, 11–12
Common fate, 181
Common ground, 584
Communality, 161
Communication, 602
theory of, 111
Comodulation masking release (CMR), 140, 141
Comparator hypothesis, 375
Comparison stimuli, 411
Composite segments, 251
Compound-cue model, 454, 459
Comprehension, text:
aspects of, 580–586
memory and, 576–580
models of, 586–589, 589–592
overview, 575–576, 592–593
Computational constructivism, 88–89
modularity and, 95
optical stimulation information and, 92
perception and cognition in, 94
percepts and neurons, 90, 91
representation and, 92–93
transformation and, 93
visual system function and, 89
Concurrent chains, 381, 385, 386
Concurrent schedules, 381
Conditional responses (CRs):
fear motivation and, 42
sexual motivation and, 49–50
temperature motivation and, 53
Conditional stimuli (CSs), 35, 418
CS-preexposure effect, 362, 372
fear motivation and, 42
defensive behavior, 47, 48
mood congruence and, 62–63
rate-expectancy theory and, 375
scalar-expectancy theory and, 375
sexual motivation and, 49, 50
stimulus salience and, 360, 362
Conditioned inhibition, 367–368
Conditioned reinforcement, 385
Conditioned taste aversion (CTA), 38
Configurations, consistent /inconsistent, 191
Connectionist theories, 528, 555–556
cognitive functioning, 5–17
conscious content, nonconscious basis of, 13
core, 24
current theories of, 20
definition of, 3–4
disorders of, 14–16
dynamic activity clusters and, 20–21
extended, 24
free will, action, and, 13
function of, 16–17
history of, 4–5
human pathology data, 18–20
implicit memory and, 12–13
overview, 25–26
perception, construction of, 9–11
priming, subliminal and negative, 11–12
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