Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

702 Subject Index

selective attention and, 14
self and, 24–25
sensory imagery and binding, 21–22, 23
single cell studies, 17–18
subneural structures and, 25
tacit knowledge, acquiring, 9
thalamocortical loops, 22–24
unconscious perception, 7–9, 16
Consolidation, 482
Consonant-vowel (CV) errors, 243
Constituents, 532–533
Constriction degrees (CD), 251
Constriction locations (CLs), 251
Construction-integration (CI) model, 589, 592
Context of reinforcement, 384
Contingent attentional capture hypothesis, 274
Continuity, 401, 417
Continuous dimensions, 201
Continuous recognition test, 478
Contours, illusory/subjective, 190
Contrast reduction, 215
Conversation, comprehension and, 584–585
Conversion disorders, 15
Coordinate systems, 193
Coproduction, 249
Copy behind, 507
Cost minimization, 321
Counter model, 462
Counterconditioning, 366
Counting, explicit, 407
Coupling, motor control and, 340–342
Covariation, 253
compensatory, 335
covariational analysis, 111–112
Craik, J. K. W., 653–654
Creole, 416, 417, 419
Crick, Francis, 22, 23
Criterion, 114
Cross-training, 517
competition, 364
cue-to-consequence effect, 361
cue-limited models, 374
cued recall, 477–478
cue-response relations, 514
depth, 214
binocular disparity, 214–215
effectiveness of, 219–220
ocular motor, 214
pictorial, 215–219
distal, 412
intramaze, 412
landmark, 412
negative, 403, 404
no-cue trials, 276
positive, 403, 404
promotion, 219
sexual, 49
Culture, 418
Cutaneous system, 148, 150–151
CYC, 590
CycL, 590
Cyclopean eye, 330
Cycorp, 590

Damasio, Antonio, 24
Dani, 611, 614
Deafness, 143. See also Audition
Decay, 431
effects of lag, 458
memory, 428–429, 430
retrieval and, 432
OSCAR model and, 438
semantic priming and, 454, 455
Declarative stage, 500
Decoding, 586–587
Deduction-system hypothesis, 626
Deep concavities, 187
Defensive behavior. See under Motivation, fear
Deformation, 218
Degraded contingency effect, 362
Degrees-of-freedom problem, 321, 509
Delayed matching to sample (DMTS), 411
Delayed reaction, 410
Delay-reduction theory, 385, 386
Deontic reasoning, 627–628, 644
Department of Transportation, 656
consciousness and, 4
episodic memory and, 478
mood congruence and, 66–67
mood dependence and, 71, 73
Depth perception. SeePerception, depth
Descartes, 3, 4
Descartes’ Error, 24
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV), 77
Diary studies, 486
Difference-reduction method, 639
Digital computer and information theory, 5
Direct assignment strategy, 533
Direct look-up procedure, 554
Direct realist theory, 255, 256–257
Disability, aids, 661–662
Discrete-trial models, 374
Discrimination learning, theory of, 403–405
Discrimination suppression, 136
Displacement, 415
Display size, 280
Dissociation, 14–16
identity disorders, 15
Distinctiveness, 481
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), 128
DIVA model, 250
equivalence classes and, 600
object identification and, 195
Pavlovian conditioning and, 360
temperature motivation and, 53
Domain knowledge, 583
Donders, Frans, 652
Dorsal-lateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG), 48
Dorsal stream, 334
addiction, melioration and, 382
therapy, 77
use, consciousness and, 4
Dualism, 4–5
folk models and, 6
Duality of patterning, 415
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