Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 703

Dual-route models, 301
Dual route views, 528, 555
Dual-task experiments, 282
Duplex theory of sound localization, 134–135
Dutch, perceptual span and, 560
Dynamic core, 24
Dynamic touch, 158
Dyslexia, 555

Echo, 243
Echoic memory, 479
Echolocating, 403, 419
Ecological evidence, 189
Ecological realism, 88
illusion and veridicality in, 96
modularity and, 95
perception and cognition in, 94
percepts and neurons, 90, 91
representation and, 93
representational transformation and, 93–94
visual system function and, 89
Ectothermy, 51
Edelman, Gerald, 24
Edge co-occurrence (EC) statistic, 112
Edge discontinuities, 189
Edge elements, 112, 114
Edge extraction process, 204
Effective onset, 108
Egan, James, 654
Eigenvalues, 154
inertia tensor and, 158
Electric shock, 14
Electroencephalogram (EEG):
action selection and, 298
consciousness and, 5
free will and, 13
motor preparation and, 322
Electromyogram (EMG), 309
motor control and, 318
flexibility and, 345–346
preparation and, 323
Element clustering, 282
Elements of Episodic Memory, 485
Empiricism, 358, 361
Emulation, 409
instance theory of automaticity and, 500
specificity hypothesis, 484
specificity principle, 71
tasks, 72–74
Endogenous components, 298
Endothermy, 51
dialects of, 252
perceptual span and, 560
Episodic buffer, 436–437
Episodic memory. SeeMemory, semantic
Equal-energy rule, 131
Equal-outcome curve, 336
Equifinality, 325
trajectories, 336
Ergonomics Research Society, 654–655
Eriksen flanker effect, 305
consonant-vowel (CV), 243

movement, 244
semantic substitution, 244
speech, 243–245
Escape conditioning, 378
Essays Towards a New Theory of Vision, 88
Ethology, 400
Event cuing technique, 486
Event perception, 229–231
dynamics, 226–227
heading, 227–228
objects, approaching, 228–229
organization, 224–226
posture, visual control of, 228
vection, 228
Event-related electrical measures, consciousness and, 5
Event-related potentials (ERP), 278
action selection and, 298
word identification and, 550
Evolution, animal cognition and, 416–419
Evolutionary approach, 412
Evolutionary biology, 400–401
Exogenous components, 298
Expanding practice, 657
Experimental analysis of behavior, 380
Experimental psychology:
current issues, 655–657
developments in, 657–662
future challenges, 663–666
history, 652–655
journals and organizations, 666–667
research in, 649–652
Expertise.SeeReasoning, expertise in
Exposure duration, 280
Expression-focused models, 370–371
Extinction, 362
Extrinsic space, motor control and, 329
Eye movement monitoring, 550
E-Z Reader model, 567–568

Faithfulness constraint, 242
Familiar size, 222–223
Fast-adapting populations (FA units), 149
Fear. SeeMotivation, fear
Feature-comparison theory, 448, 449
Feature detection paradigm, 17
FeatureGate model, 277
Feature integration theory (FIT), 277, 283–285
Feature lists, 201–202
Feature search mode, 274–276
Feature theory, 405
Fechner, Gustav, 5
Federal Aviation Administration, 660
Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences, 651
Feedback, 510–511
Felial imprinting, 418–419
Fever, 53
Fill-in error, 438
Filter theory, 269–270
Filtering paradigm, 270
Fingers of instantiation (FINSTs), 286
audition and, hair cells, 142
fear and, 42
sexual motivation and, 42, 49, 50
Fitts, Paul, 310, 654
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