Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

704 Subject Index

Fitts’ law, 320
Fixation, 558, 560
Flanagan, J. R., 654
Fletcher, Harvey, 132
Flicker paradigm, 281
Focal set models, 375
Focus of expansion (FOE), 227
Folk theory, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13
free will and, 13
perceptual construction and, 10
unconscious processing and, 7
Food palatability. SeeMotivation, feeding
Forced-choice detection paradigm, 281
Forced-choice recognition, 478
Forced-choice tasks, 108
Ford, 656
Forward model, 250
Fourier, Joseph, 122
Fractionation, 515
Frame problem, 625–626, 628
Frame theory, 205
Free recall, 427, 476, 477
hypermnesia, 483–484
Free will, 13–14
learning studies and, 358
Free-choice recognition, 478
Free-operant, 380
Freezing, defensive, 42, 43, 47
French, perceptual span and, 560
Freudian slips, 13
Fringe, backward/forward, 133
Frontotemporal complex (FTC), 48
FRUMP, 586
Fugue states, 15
Functional sensitivity hypothesis, 228
Fundamental frequency, 257
Fundamental reasoning mechanism, 624
Fusion.SeeModified weak fusion (MWF)
Fuzzy logical model of perception (FLMP), 260

Galton word-cuing technique, 486
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), 11, 14
Ganong effect, 261
Ganzheitspsychologie, 334
Garner, Wendell, 654
Gaussian noise, 123, 133
Gebhard, John, 654
Gender, spatial learning and, 412
General Motors, 656
Generalization gradient, 364
Generalized Context Model, 608
Generalized cylinders, 187
Generalized drive theory, 35
Generation effect, 481
Generative phonology, 242
Genetic influences, motivation and, 33–34
Geons, 202, 203, 204–205
Gestalt theory, 88
attention selection and, 271, 278
discrimination learning and, 404
motor coordination and, 336
optical stimulation information and, 92
perception and cognition in, 94
percepts and neurons, 90, 91
phenomenology of perception and, 110

representation and, 93
representational transformation and, 93
serial learning and, 405
sound source segregation and, 142
visual system function and, 89
Gestural theories, 242, 246, 251, 252, 254–257
Gibson, James J., 110
Glabrous, 148
Global workspace model, 17
problem solving, 637–638
tracking, 363
Goats, defensive behavior and, 44
Golf-ball illusion, 155
Gore, Al, 293
Grain size, 296
Grand-mal seizures, 71
Grasshoppers, 42
Grip force, 344
Grounding, 584
Grouping, 282–283. See also under Visual perception,
Guidance hypothesis, 510–511
Guided search model, 277

Habituation, 360
Hair cell regeneration, 142–143
Hall, G. Stanley, 650
Hallucinations, consciousness and, 15
Hand coding, 590, 616
Haptic system, 148
Harvard Psychoacoustics Laboratory, 654
Haskins Laboratories, 255
Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs), 125, 135–136, 143
Hebrew, perceptual span and, 560
Helmholtz, Hermann, 652
Hemineglect, lesions and, 18–19
generate and test, 642
problem solving, 639
algorithms and, 640
reasoning theories, 633–635
Hick-Hyman law, 298–299, 303, 310
Hierarchical associations, 379–380
Highway safety, 660–661, 662, 663
Highway Safety Act of 1966, 655
Homeostasis, temperature motivation and, 53–54. See also Motivation,
temperature; Motivation, feeding
Homophones, false, 556
Honesty, testing and, 7–8
Hopi language, 614
Horizon ratio, 216
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 657
Human-computer interaction (HCI), 655, 657, 658–659
Human-Computer Interaction, 658
Hunter, W. S., 410
Hyperbolic-decay model, 385–386
Hypermnesia, 483–484
Hyperspace analog to language (HAL), 451–452, 458
Hyperthermia, 52, 53
Hypnosis, consciousness and, 16
Hypothalamus, anterior (AH), 54
Hysteresis, 106
Hysteria, mood dependence and, 71
Hysterical analgesia, 15
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