Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 705

IBM, 657
Ideal observer, 102
Ill-defined problems, 640–642
Illusory conjunctions, 283
Imitation, 408–409
Imminence continuum, 55
Immune response, subcellular structures and, 25
Impasses, 641
Impulsivity, 384
Incentive learning. SeeLearning, incentive
Incubation effect, 640, 642
Indirect perception, 89
Inertia tensor, 154, 158
Inferences, 579, 581–582
Information reduction hypothesis, 501
Information theory, 111, 298
Infusion, affect, 63–64
Initial links, 385
Insight problems, 640
Instance theory, 463
Instinct theory, 34
Instrumental conditioning, 377–389
animal cognition and, 402
interval timing and, 409
as a preferred method, 399
See also Pavlovian conditioning
Integrative training. SeeTraining, skills
Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, 660, 661
Interacting with Computers, 658
Interactive activation model, 192
forgetting and, 428
memory retrieval and, 432
OSCAR model and, 438
proactive, 479
retroactive, 482–483
vs. decay, 428–429
Internet, 665
Interpolation, 201
Interval timing, 409–410
Intonational phrase boundary, 536
Inverse projection problem, 214
Invited conclusions, 625
Ironic thought suppression, 13–14
Isotropy, 217

James, William, 10
Japanese, 612
perceptual span and, 560
word encoding and, 553
Johns Hopkins University, 654
Journal of Applied Psychology, 650, 651, 652
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 651, 652
Judas eye, 10

Kana, 553
Kanizsa triangle, 190
Keyword mnemonic, 657
Kinesthetic system, 148
Kinnebrook, David, 652
Knowledge compilation, 507
Knowledge of results (KR), 510–511
Koch, Christof, 22
Korsakoff’s syndrome, 461
Kryter, Karl, 654

Labiodental consonants, 241
Lag effect, 458, 481
Landscape model, 589
acquisition, 414–416, 416
categorization and, 613–614
mental lexicon, 530–532
overview, 527–528
sentences and discourse, 532–536
word recognition, 528–530
sentences, 538–540
single words, 536–538
written language, 540–541
See also Memory, semantic
Late closure, 533
Latent inhibition effect, 362
Latent semantic analysis (LSA), 452–453, 590–592
Lateralized readiness potential (LRP), 298, 309, 322
Law of disuse, 428
Law of effect, 377, 379, 380, 383, 387
matching law and, 383
conditioning and
history, 357–360
instrumental response, 377–389
overview, 389
Pavlovian response, 360–377
incentive, 38–39, 380
influences, motivation and, 33–34
irrelevance, 362
helplessness, 379
latent, 379
models, 454–455
observation, 44
procedural, 505
skill acquisition, 499–502, 506–518
implicit learning, 502–504
See also Memory, declarative; Memory, procedural
“Lectures on Men and Machines: An Introduction to Human
Engineering,” 654
Leisure time, 382
Lemmas, 244
spoken language
sentences, 539, 540
single words, 536–537, 538
written language production and, 541
Length distortion, 160
blindsight and, 334
consciousness and effects of, 18
fear motivation, defensive behavior and, 48
obesity-inducing brain, 38
temperature motivation and, 54
Lexical access, theory of, 245
Lexical decision task, 530
Licklider, J. C. R., 654
Likelihood ratio, 114
Linear perspective, 217
Linguistics, competence in, 5. See also Phonology
Linton, Marigold, 487
Lip aperture, motor coordination and, 335
List chunk. SeeChunking
Little Albert, 62
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