Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

706 Subject Index

Lizard, mountain, 51
Llinás, Rodolfo, 23
Location dominance, 136
Lockheed-Martin, 656
Logical positivism, 5
The Logic of Perception, 89
Logistic regression, 108
Logogen model, 462
Logothetis, Nikos, 17, 22
Long-term working memory (LTWM). See under
Memory, working
Lower threshold of motion (LTM), 107–108
Lucretius, 4

Mackworth, Norman, 653–654
Magnet effects, 259
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):
consciousness and, 5
functional (fMRI), 5, 18, 144
action selection and, 298
procedural memory and, 506
word identification and, 550
visual-haptic interactions, 165
Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 23–24
Malsburg, Christof von der, 21
Mania, mood dependence and, 73
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, 200
Mark test, 408
Maskelyne, Nevil, 652
Masking, 132–134
backward, 424–425
information, 137
masking-level difference (MLD), 137–138
word identification and, 550
Matching law, 381
extensions of, 383–385
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 245
McGurk effect, 256, 259
Means-end analysis, 639
Mechanism, 358
Medicine, 661
Melioration, 382–383
Melton, Arthur, 654
autobiographical, 476–477, 485–493
construction, 10–11
declarative, 499–502
echoic, 479
enhancement, 657
episodic, 475–477, 477–485, 493
declarative memory and, 499
errors of commission, 13
explicit, 463–464, 465
false, 479, 489–490
iconic, 479
implicit, 7, 12–13, 16
overview, 423–424, 439–440
procedural, 504–506
prospective, 411
reference, 410–411
retrospective, 410–411
semantic, 447–453, 475
declarative memory and, 499
sensory, 423, 424
characteristics of, 425–426

measuring persistence, 424–425
modality and suffix, 426–427
short-term, 423, 427
forgetting, 427–430
limitations, 430–432
models of, 434–439
retrieval, 432–434
visual short-term memory (vSTM), 286
text comprehension and, 580–581
working, 410–411, 576–580
long-term working memory (LTWM), 578–580
problem solving and, 637–638
See also Learning, skill acquisition
Mental model theory, 628–631
expertise and, 643
problem solving and, 637
verbal comprehension theory and, 631
Mental sets, 641, 642
Mentalism, 358
Merge, 260
Metabolism, subcellular structures and, 25
Metamemory judgments, 478
Microsoft, 657
Migration of activity, 321
Miller, George, 654
Mind, theory of, 407–409
Miniature languages, 9
Minimal attachment principle, 533
Minimal audible field (MAF) process, 131
Minimal audible pressure (MAP) process, 131
Minimal training. SeeTraining, skills
Minimum principle, 188
Misoplegia, 19
MIT, 665
MoBIC, 168
Modified weak fusion (MWF), 219
Modularity, theory of, 401
Modularity of Mind, 95
Modulation detection interference (MDI), 140–141, 142
Modulation processing, inferior colliculus and, 131
Modus ponens rule, 624–625
Molar maximizing, 382
Momentary maximizing, 381–382
animal cognition and
cognitive culture and, 418
imitation, 409
language learning, 414, 415, 416
memory, 411
numerical abilities, 407
serial learning, 406
theory of mind, 408
fear motivation and, 44
Monogamy, 48–49
congruence, 61
affect infusion model (AIM), 65–66, 70
associations/interpretations and, 67
attention and learning, 66–67
memory and, 67, 73
person perception and, 68–69
responding to requests and, 69
self-disclosure and, 69–70
self-judgments and, 67–68
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