Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 707

synopsis, 70
theories of, 62–65
dependence, 70–72, 79–80
clinical perspectives on, 76–79
cognitive perspectives on, 72–76
Morgan, Clifford, 654
Morpheme, 242
eye movement and, 559
connected speech and, 540
mental lexicon and, 531
speech errors and, 244
Morphology, 528
absolute, 224–225
biological, 225–226
commotion, 225
extended body, 227
information, 217–218
parallax, 213, 228
depth cue integration and, 219
dynamic occlusion and, 218
particle, 227
relative, 225
explanation of, 35
fear, 41–42
defensive behavior and, 44–45
learned, 47–48
predatory imminence continuum, 45–47
unlearned, 48
initiation of, 42–44
pervasiveness of, 42
feeding, 34, 35, 42
factors of, 36–37
incentive aspects of foods, 38
response organization, 39–40
rat behavior system, 40–41
variety of intake, 37
functional behavior systems, 34
development of, 34–35
sexual, 48–49
organization of behavior system, 50–51
reproductive signals, 49–50
temperature, 51
behavior system, 53–54
learning and, 53
thermoregulatory responses, 51–53
theories of behavior and, 33–34, 54–55
unconscious, 13
Motor control, 151
coordination of, 335–342
flexibility, 342–346
overview, 317, 346
preparation, 322–324, 326–327
motor control structures, 324–326
problems, 317–319
solutions to, 319–322
sensory information and, 327–335
transformation, 319
Motor equivalence, 248
Motor program, 324
Motor skill, 509
Motor space, 329
Motor theory, 255–257
Movement Gestalts, 336

Moving room, 228
Moving window technique, 559
Müller-Lyer illusion, 283, 330
Multidimensional scaling (MDS), 607–608
Multigestural segments, 251
Multiple personality disorder, 15
mood dependence and, 71
Multiple schedules, 381

Nader, Ralph, 655
Naïve realism, 6
perceptual construction and, 10
unconscious processing and, 7
Narrow-band noise, 123
National Advanced Driving Simulator, 660
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 656, 660
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), 654
National Highway Safety Bureau (NHSB), 655
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 660
National Institutes of Health, 656
National Research Council, 657
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, 655
Natural language, 9
Naval Electronics Laboratory, 654
Negative mediation, 368, 369
Negative reinforcement, 378
Neighborhood activation model (NAM), 260
Neodissociation theory, 16
Nerve injury, 151
Nerve transmission. SeeAction selection
Net excitation, 403–404
Neuroimaging, consciousness and, 20
Neurolinguistics, 528
Neuroscience, 5
approaches to consciousness, 17–25
consciousness and, 3
Neutral trials, 276
New Essays on Human Understanding, 96
New Look movement, 10, 94
No-cue trials. SeeCue, no-cue trials
Noise reduction hypothesis, 276–277
Noise waveform, 134
NOMAD system, 168
Nonword ratio (NR), 456
Normalization, 201
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 655
Null counts, 462

Object recognition. See under Visual perception, object identification
Object-based selection, 271
Object-centered reference frame, 194
Object-files, 286
Obligation, 627
Obligatory retrieval, instance theory of automaticity and, 500
Oblique effect, 160
Occasion setting, 370
positive/negative, 363
Occlusion, 216
depth cue integration and, 219
dynamic, 218, 224
Oculomotor models, 567
Off-sized perception, theory of, 223
Olfaction, sexual motivation and, 49
Omission, 378
Open-loop processes, 317, 320
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