Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

708 Subject Index

Operant conditioning, behavioral variance and, 34
Operational timing, 332
Optacon, 167, 169
Optic flow, 218–219, 227
Optical covariation, 111
Optimality theory, 242
Order irrelevance principle, 407
Orientation difference, 112
OSCAR (OSCillator-based Associative Recall) model, 438
Ototoxic drugs, 142
Outcome, 360
Outcome-limited models, 374
Overshadowing, 364–365
chunking and, 406–407
instrumental conditioning and, 378
retrospective revaluation and, 369
serial, 373
Owls, audition and, 131, 143
Oxygen Project, 665
Oxygenation, 24–25

Paired-associate recall, 477
Parafovea, 561, 562
processing, 562–563, 568
Parallel distributed processing (PDP) systems, 556, 638, 644
Parallel feature search, 273, 280
anosognosia and, 15–16, 19
consciousness and, 15
lesions and, 18
Parental care, mating strategies and, 49
Parity, 238
speech perception and, 252
speech production and, 247
Parsing, 187, 566
syntactic, 588
Part segmentation. SeeParsing
Partial reinforcement, 362
Partial report, 425, 426
Part-whole hierarchy, 179–180
Pattern playback, 255
Pattern recognition, model of, 550–551
Pavlovian conditioning, 35
animal cognition and, 402
behavioral variance and, 34
conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and, 38
empirical laws of, 360–369
evolution and cognition, 417–418
fear motivation and, 42, 44, 47–48
incentive learning and, 39
vs. instrumental conditioning, 378–379, 380
interval timing and, 409
memory and, 411
models of, 369–377
as a preferred method, 399
sexual motivation and, 49, 51
temperature motivation and, 53
See also Animal cognition; Instrumental conditioning; Learning,
conditioning and
Peak procedure, 378, 409
Peak shift, 364
Perceived transparency, 190–191
categorization and, 611–613
depth, 214–220, 229–231
distance, 220–222

geographical slant, 223–224
size, 222–223
direct, 223
implicit, 7
logic of, 9–10 (see also under Consciousness)
See also Visual perception
Perception of the Visual World, 88
Perceptual assimilation model (PAM), 259
Perceptual defense, 10
Perceptual organization, theory of, 271. SeeVisual perception, organization
Perceptual representation systems (PRS), 465
Perceptual span, 559
Perceptual speed, 511
Perceptual symbol systems, theory of, 612
Perceptual-motor integration problem, 509–510
Periaqueductal gray (PAG), 48
Peripheral dominance hypothesis, 228
Permission, 627, 628
Peromyscus maniculatus austerus (P. m. austerus), 43
Peromyscus maniculatus gambeli (P. m. gambeli), 43
Personal equation, 652
Personal space, 220, 221
motor control and, 329
PHANToM, 169
Phase transitions, 249
Pheromones, 403
Phonemes, 241
DIVA model and, 250
lexical/phonotactic knowledge and, 260–261
phonological planning and, 245
speech errors and, 244
restoration of, 529
Phones, 241
lexical/phonotactic knowledge and, 259, 260
PAM and, 259
speech errors and, 244
syllable position, 246–247
competence, 238–243
loops, 435–436
connectionist model and, 438
overview, 237–238, 261
perception, 252–261
phrase, 540
planning, 243–247
production, 247–252
word, 540
Phototaxis, negative, 44
Phylogenetic influences, 43
Picture superiority effect, 481
Pidgin, 416
Pitch, 138
Place versus response controversy, 413
Plato, 4, 575
Poetzl phenomenon, 13
Poikilotherm, 51
Pointing, 220
Pollack, Irwin, 654
Polyandry, 48–49
Polygyny, 48–49
Polyrhythms, bimanual response and, 338
Polysemous word, 532
Ponzo illusion, 96, 283
Pop-out search, 273
Porcupines, 42
Positive mediation, 368, 369
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