Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 709

Positive reinforcement, 378
Positron-emission tomography (PET), 144, 340, 550
action selection and, 298, 299
consciousness and, 5
procedural memory and, 506
Post-display probe technique, 278
Post-stimulus-time (PST) histograms, 129
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 490
Potentiation, 365
retrospective revaluation and, 369
Power law of practice, 500
Pragmatic reasoning theory, 626–628
problem solving and, 637
social contract theory vs., 632
Prägnanz, principle of, 188
Preattentive process, 185
Precategorical acoustic storage (PAS), 426–427
Precedence, global, 191–192
Predictability, word identification and, 564
Prefer argument, 533
Preferred viewing location, 567
Presbycusis, 131
Preview benefit, 562
Primal sketch, 185
Priming, 166–167, 247
affective, 63, 67, 69
in discourse, 588
effect, 539, 553
repetition benefits and, 302
form, 245
forward and backward, 459–460
negative, 11–12
action selection and, 306–307
paradigm, 196–197, 486
procedural memory and, 505
repetition, 447, 453, 461–467
conceptual, 466
perceptual, 466
semantic, 447, 453–461, 553
subliminal, 11–12, 460
Principled task decomposition, 514
Prism adaptation, 342–343, 345
Probability density function, 112
Probability heuristic model (PH model), 634–635
Probit model, 108
Problem solving. SeeReasoning
Procedural learning, 476
Process dissociation, 465
Processing effort, 636
Processing models, 567
Productivity, 415
Prone extension, 52
Proprioception, 328
feedback information and, 333, 334
target information and, 329–331, 331–332
visuo-motor transformations and, 342–343
Prosodification, 245, 246
Prosody, 528
language comprehension and, 536
Prosopagnosia, 199
Prosthesis, cochlear, 143
Proto-self, 24
Proximity, 181
models, 454
Psychological refractory period (PRP), 308–309
Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 651

Psychology, experimental. SeeExperimental psychology
Psychophysical isomorphism, 110
Psychophysical tuning curves, 132
forward masking and, 133
Psychophysics, development of, 5
Punishment, 378

QWERTY keyboard, 658

Radial-tangential effect, 159–160
Ramachandran, V. S., 19
Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), 278
attentional blink and, 287
repetition blindness and, 287
Rate-expectancy theory (RET), 375, 376
Ratio strain, 378
Rationalism, 358
animal cognition and,
imitation, 409
interval timing, 410
memory, 410, 411
numerical abilities, 407
serial learning, 405
spatial learning, 412, 414
fear motivation and, 42, 43, 44–45, 46
feeding response, 40–41, 42
instrumental conditioning and
behavior regulation, 387
behavioral economics, 387
reinforcement delay, 385
Pavlovian conditioning and, 359, 361
temperature motivation, 52, 53
Reaching, 220, 221
Reaction times (RTs), 274
action selection and, 293, 294
application of, 311
Hick-Hyman law and, 298–299
modeling, 295–297
psychological measures of, 297–298
psychological refractory period and, 308–309
repetition benefit, 303
speed-accuracy trade-off, 297
stimulus-response compatibility and, 299–301
stop signals and, 309
warning effects and, 303–304
feature integration theory and, 284
eye movements, 557–563
models of, 566–568
overview, 549–569
sound coding in, 554–557
word identification, 550–554
in context, 563–566
See also Comprehension, text
Reading-span test, 576–577
Real-time models, 374
expertise in, 642–644
overview, 623–624, 644–645
problem solving, 623, 637–639
theories of, 639–642
theories, 624–637
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC), 97, 98, 100, 101, 102,
Reception paradigm, 639–640
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