Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

710 Subject Index

Recoding, 479–480
Recognition by components (RBC) theory, 203, 204, 205
Redintegration, 432
Redundancy exploitation, 111
Redundancy reduction, 111
Reference element, 112–114
Reference frame effects, 192–193
Referential coding, 301
Referential theory, 534
Region segmentation. See under Visual perception
Regressions, 558
Reinforcement theory, 372, 384
Relatability theory, 189
Relatedness proportion (RP), 455, 456, 457
Relative frequency judgment tasks, 478
REM sleep:
consciousness and, 4
thalamocortical loops and, 23
Reminiscence, 483
bump, 489, 493
Renewal effect, 362
Repeated covert retrieval, 482, 483
benefit, 301–303
blindness (seeBlindness, repetition)
effect, 481, 502
massed, 481
spaced, 481
Replication, 201
Repression, 490
mood dependence and, 71
Rescorla-Wagner model, 373
Resonance models, 556
Resonance theory, 535
Respond opposite rule, 306
compression, 223
deprivation, 387
summation, 365
response-outcome associations, 379, 380
response-stimulus interval (RSI)
Hick-Hyman law and, 303
repetition benefit and, 302–303
task switching and, 307
Retardation test, 367
Retinal invariance hypothesis, 228
strength, 510
tasks, 74–75
Retrospective revaluation, 362, 368–369
Reward schedule investigation, 406
Right-left prevalence effect, 300–301
Rime, 243, 530
Robotics, motor control and, 346
Rod and frame effect, 193
Rouge test, 408
explanation of, 239
vowel inventories and, 240
Rule theories, 624

Saccade, 558, 560, 561, 562
suppression, 558
SAI, 152, 161
Salience, 362, 371

Salient, categorization and, 614
Saliva spreading, 52
SAT, 651
Saturation, vection, 228
Scalar-expectancy theory (SET), 375
Schemas, 626
deontic reasoning and, 627–628
consciousness and, 4, 15
episodic memory and, 478
Schopenhauer, 4–5
Scientific American, 665
color, 190–191
figural 191
Search of associative memory (SAM), 454, 457–458
priming and, 459
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 105–106
Second-order conditioning, 367
Segmentation problem, 528
Selection inhibition hypothesis, 307
Selective associations, 42–43
Selective-set paradigm, 270
Self-control, instrumental conditioning and, 384
Self-disclosure, 69–70
Self-recognition, 408
Sensitization, 360
Sensorimotor system, vs. cognitive system, 334–335
Sensory memory. SeeMemory, sensory
Sensory neuropathy, 329
Sensory preconditioning, 367
Serial learning, 405
Serial recall, 477
Serial response time (SRT) task, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506
Serial-order problem, 509
Set size, 280
Sexual motivation, fear and, 42
Shading, 217
Shadowing, 14
Shape formation, 282
Shape primitive approach, 187
Shared mental model, 517
Short-term memory. SeeMemory, short-term
Sign stimuli, 49, 50
Signal detection theory, 103–105, 114. See also Theory of signal
detection (TSD)
Signal enhancement hypothesis, 276–277
Simon effect, 305–306, 308, 310
Simulated autobiographical events, 486
Simultaneous conditioning deficit, 361
Simulus-response (S-R) connections, 377
Single-neuron doctrine, 91
Single-schedule procedure, 381
Singleton detection mode, 274–276
Singular value decomposition (SVD), 452
Sinusoidal vibrations, 122
complex vibrations and, 122–123
Situation awareness, 517
Size-distance invariance hypothesis, 222
Size-distance paradox, 222
Skill.SeeLearning, skill acquisition
Skilled memory theory, 513
Sleep deprivation, 658
Sleepwalking, 71
Sleight, Robert, 654
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