Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1
Subject Index 711

Slow-adapting populations (SA units), 149
Small, Arnold, 654
Social contract theory, 631–633, 644
Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 667
Society of Engineering Psychologists, 655
Sound pressure level (SPL), 124
Sound propagation, inverse square law of, 123–124
Sound shadow, 134
Sound spectrography, 255
Source judgments, 478
Space Fortress, 514, 516, 659
Spacing effect, 481
Spatial coding, 306
Spatial hearing, inferior colliculus and, 131
Spatial learning, 411–414
Species-specific defensive reaction (SSDR) hypothesis, 44–45
Specificity-of-practice hypothesis, 509–510
Spectral pattern recognition, inferior colliculus and, 131
Speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT), 285, 324, 327, 512
Spillover effect, 559
Spirituality, consciousness and, 4
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAE), 128
Spreading activation theory, 448–449, 453–454
Squirrels, fear motivation and, 46
Stage model, 296–297
Staircase procedure, 109
Standard social science model (SSSM), 401–402
Start-End model, 438
Statistical Abstact, 661
Stereopsis, 215, 219
Stereoscopic depth-constancy problem, 215
Stevens, S. S., 654
Stevens’ Handbook of Experimental Psychology,ix
Stimulus enhancement, 409
Stimulus generalization, 403–404
decrement, 364
Stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), 108, 245, 276, 308, 454
attentional blink and, 287
automatic vs. strategic priming, 455, 456, 457
backward priming and, 459
space variant view and, 279
visual search and, 280
Stimulus salience, 273
Stimulus-outcome (S-O) associations, 379, 380
Stimulus-response (S-R) alternatives, 298
Stimulus-response (S-R) associations, 379, 380
Stimulus-response compatibility (SRC), 299–301, 308
action selection, applications of, 310–311
Stoke patients, anosognosia and, 15
Stop, 239
alveolar, 241, 258
Hindi dental, 258
oral/nasal, 239
retroflex voiceless, 258
stop-signal paradigm, 309
Storage-bin model, 63
Storage strength, 510
Strategy-tactics model, 567
Stream segregation, 137
Stress pattern, 245
Stroop effect, 11–12, 304–305, 306, 307, 460, 550, 552–553
Structure from motion (SFM), 218–219
Studies on Hysteria, 71
Subliminal psychodynamic activation (SPA), 12

Summation test, 367
Sun Microsystems, 657
Superconditioning, 365
Superquadrics, 202
Suppositions, 625
Surface segregation, 224
categorical, 629–630, 631, 635–636, 643, 644
conditional, 643, 644
PH model and, 635
Symmetry, 204
Synchrony, 21–22
judgment task, 424–425, 426
principle of, 181–182
Synergies, 248–249
Syntactic rule theory, 624–625, 630–631
expertise and, 643
problem solving and, 637
verbal comprehension theory and, 631

Tachistoscopic presentation, 550, 551
Tadoma method, 168
Task mass, 325
Task-dynamic approach, 325
Tau, 229
Taylor, Franklin V., 654
Teleoperation, 169
Telepresence, 169
Temperature regulation behavior, 36. See also Motivation, temperature
Templates, 200–201
Temporal cycles, 491–492
Temporal discounting, 385
Temporal generalization, 409
Temporal integration task, 425
Temporal landmarks, 492
Temporal modulation transfer functions, 134
Terminal links, 385
Test element, 112–114
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), 452, 591
Testimony, eyewitness and earwitness, 657–658
Texels, 217
Textons, 185
Texture segmentation, 185
Thalamic searchlight hypothesis, 23
Thalamocortical loop models, 23
Thalamus.SeeConsciousness, thalamocortical loops
Thematic Apperception Test, 67
Theory of signal detection (TSD), 133
Thigmotaxis, 46, 47
Three Mile Island, 655
Three-term contingency, 377
Timbre, 138
Tip-of-the-tongue states, 537
T-junction, 189
TODAM, priming and, 459–460
Tolerance, 115
Tononi, Giulio, 24
Top-down activation, 273
Touch, 147–148, 152
as an active multisensory system, 148
cortex and major cortical areas, 150
curvature, 155–156
cutaneous system and, 150–151
grasping and manipulation, sensory-guided, 151–152
haptic memory and, 165–167
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