Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology

(Axel Boer) #1

712 Subject Index

Touch (Continued)
haptic system space perception and, 159–160
pattern perception and, 160–164
haptically perceptible properties, 152–153
motor control and, 329
overview, 169–170
perceiving object properties, role of manual exploration in,
relative-availability of, 158–159
research applications and, 167, 168–169
aids for the visually impaired, 167–168
roughness, 153–154
skin and, 148–150
visual-haptic interactions
attention, 164–165
cross-modal integration, 165
weight, 154–155
TRACE, 260–261
Train illusion, 228
part-task, 659
simultaneous, 403
skills, 514–517
successive, 403
Trait anxiety, person perception and, 69
Transactionalism, 88
optical stimulation information and, 91
Transfer appropriate processing (TAP), 465
Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TOAE), 128
Translation, motion, 225
Transposition, 404
Treatise on Physiological Optics, 88
Trial chunk. SeeChunking
Triangulation, pointing, 220
Trimethylthiazoline (TMT), 44
Turtles, 42
Two-action test, 409
Two-thirds power law, 321
Two-vowel paradigm, 138–139

U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency, 659
U.S. Air Force, Armstrong Laboratory, 310
U.S. Census Bureau, 661
Unconditional stimuli (USs), 418
conditioned inhibition and, 373
fear motivation and, 42
mood congruence and, 62–63
reinforcement theory and, 372–373
US-preexposure effect, 362, 372
Uniform connectedness
Uniformly connected (UC) regions, 184–185, 186
parsing and, 187
Unilateral neglect, 279
University of Iowa, 660
University of Leipzig, ix
Unsafe at Any Speed, 655

Variable sweeping rule, 202
Ventral stream, 334
Verbal comprehension theory, 631
Verbal judgments, 220–221
Vergence angle, 214
Vertical-horizontal illusion, 159
Vertral periaqueductal gray (vPAG), 48

Vision, 88, 90, 93
eye movement and reading, 557–563
models of control, 566–568
motor control and, 328–329
distorted feedback and, 333–334
target information and, 329–331
repetition priming and, 466–467
visuo-motor transformations and, 342–344, 345
visuo-spatial sketchpad, 435, 436
See also Memory, sensory; Reading
Vista space, 220
Visual matching, 220
Visual perception:
environmental regularities, 110–111
eyewitness testimony, 657–658
functions of, 89–96
human performance and natural image statistics, 114–116
natural contours, co-occurrence statistics of, 112
absolute edge, 112–114
Bayesian edge, 114
object identification, 194–195
categorization/typicality and, 195
contextual effects, 198–199
orientation, 197
part structural effects, 197–198
perspective effects, 195–197
theories of, 200–207
visual agnosia, 199–200
organization, 179–180
figure-ground, 185–187
grouping, 180–184
parsing, 187
parts and wholes, 191–192
reference frames, 192–194
region segmentation, 184–185
visual interpolation, 187–191
psychophysical methods, 96–110
redundancy and covariation, 111–112
theories of, 87–89
Visual search:
experiment, 280–281
word identification and, 550
Visual short-term memory (vSTM). See under Memory, short-term
VITE (vector-integration-to-endpoint) model, 326
Voice onset time (VOT) continuum, 254, 259
Walking, targeted, 220
Watson, John, 5
WEAVER, 245, 246
Weber fraction, 134
Wedge prisms, 342
Wertheimer, Max, 180–181
Whales, equivalence classes and, 600
White noise, 123
Win-shift, 412
WordNet, 590, 592
Working memory. SeeMemory, working
World Almanac, 661
World War II, 653–654
consciousness and, 5
Wundt, Wilhelm, ix
Xerox, 657
Yes-no recognition, 478
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