Children's Portrait Photography Handbook

(Sean Pound) #1

Patti shoots in RAW format because it is like a nega-
tive. She can go back to the unaltered original anytime,
which is not the case when shooting JPEGs. “Dodging
and burning in the darkroom,” she says, “did not affect
the original negative. RAW works the same way.” “The
only downside of shooting RAW is the huge files,” Tom
Patti loves kids and childhood. As she says on her web
site, “We experience it every day, this thing called life. In-
tertwined with life is this thing called time, and somehow
there is never enough of it. No matter how much more
we need, it just keeps flying by. We love our children—the
sweet smell of their bodies, the silky softness of their skin,
and the innocence of their hearts. They are babies one
day, and suddenly we turn around and they are five. We
watch them play, read their favorite story a thousand
times, fix their toys, kiss their cheeks, hold their hands,

dry their tears, and give countless snuggles. Each of those
minutes is precious. The day comes too soon when they
say, ‘I can put myself to bed, Mom.’”
Patti says of her albums, “Our books not only tell a
story of a moment in time, they are unique and cus-
tomized in every way. Each book is personalized from
notes or letters, artwork, or bits and pieces of written
words—inspirational words, memories, and maybe some
old photographs from Mom and Dad. Each storybook is
well thought out and storyboarded. It is a very personal
reflection, with countless hours tirelessly spent enhanc-
ing images and placing them just so.” The blending of
Patti’s photography with Tom’s expertise in the enter-
tainment printing industry has enhanced their story-
books, so the control over the entire process stays with


ABOVE AND NEXT PAGE—Each of Patti Andre’s covers for her storybook albums is unique and reflects the inner story in the album. Count-
less hours are spent on each album, which is a one-of-a-kind treatment.

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