Children's Portrait Photography Handbook

(Sean Pound) #1

trees surrounded by foliage, there is a good chance that
green will be reflected onto your subject. If your subject
is exposed to clear, blue open sky, there may be an excess
of cyan in the skin tones. While you are setting up, your
eyes will acclimate to the off-color rendering, and the
color cast will seem to disappear. To correct this, take a
custom white balance reading or set your camera to auto
white balance. You can also photograph your session in

the RAW mode, then fine-tune the color balance in
image-processing to get a completely neutral skin tone

Direct Sunlight.

It is important to check the background while compos-
ing a portrait in direct sunlight. Since there is consider-
ably more light than in a portrait made in the shade, the


Backlighting puts a beautiful rim
of golden light around the sub-
ject. The fill light, reflected from
nearby cement and structures, is
very adequate. The photographer,
Judy Host, also diffused the image
to lessen the overall contrast.

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