Unit 2
HO 2-4
analysis, they are engaging in a process of iden
and examining key external factors and assessing and
evaluating the impact those
factors will likely have on the firm's
operations and success. Typically,
in environmental analysis,
managers concentrate not only on present forces, but attempt
to project trends and
anticipate changes. As such, environ
mental analysis is future-oriented. The
business seeks to de
termine what problems and opportunities will likely be created
by changes in its external environment.
Environmental analysis zeroes in on
a series of environ
mental variables that are pertinent
to the business and its com
petitive situation. These variables, emphasized
to varying
degrees, represent influences that
most businesses face. There
certain general environmental variables which are typically
necessary for analysis regardless of the business
or its particular
situation. These variables
are presented in the following dis
on the nature of the macro environment.
The macro environment
refers to environmental variables that
are not company specific. These apply to and affect
all firms,
although their impact:, may be felt differently
by each firm.
Four areas of macro environmental
variables need to be con
sidered. These are
technological changes, political and legal
changes, social and demographic
changes, and economic
Technological Changes
First, consider
technological changes. Clearly, we live in the
midst of a technical revolution. The presence and continued
prolifertion of computerized
nformation sources and auto
mation is revolutionizing organizational procedures, activities,
and communication. bNew technical processes are
emerging and changing the nature and focus
of organizational
action. Key technological changes affecting the business
ChapterOne EnvironmentalAnalysis 25