Unit 2 HO 2-5 (continued)
accurate surrogate indicator of relative market share. For ex
ample, a small hardware store may know that they face com
petition from six other stores in the basic market area.
Furthermore, they know that three of the stores command the
bulk of the business. Thus, without any specific
data, a business
may clearly understand that its market share rating is relatively
weak. Rarely will there be a total lack of available information.
Typically, objective information is complemented by sound sub.
jectivejudgments to arrive at ;.more accurate picture of relative
market share.
must recognize that market share is a rather limited
indicator of market performance because it addresses only past
performance and says nothing of future potential. However,
quite useful inferences may be drawn from this assessment. For
if the market is competitively saturated and industry
growth prospects
are limited, the strength or weakness of the
present market share may be a key indicator of whether or not
the business will be able to withstand and survive the industry
shakeout that is likely to occur.
Knowledge of Markets
Here, one is evaluating the firm's awareness and knowledge
the markets it serves
or is likely to serve in the near future. At
least two areas should be considered when determining this
rating of market knowledge. First, owners must determine their
knowledge of target markets. For example, who are the firm's
customers? What is the demographic makeup of the tArget
market and how is it changing? And, perhaps most importantly,
what are the customer preferences and needs and how will
these be changing in the future?
Owners must
also evaluate the level of understanding of
their markct area. What changes
or developments are occur
ring here that may reflect on or affect the business? For ex
ample, is the demographic composition
of the market area
changing? Are important new competitors entering the market
area? In short,
is the owner aware of important market 'rea
changes and directions. Of course, knowledge and aware~iess
74 PartOne The Analysis Phs,