Strategic Planning in the Small Business

(Ron) #1

Unit 4 Notes for Instructors

Class Exercise

Ask each participant to write down his or her primary goal and the critical issues

(KRAs) that must be addressed in order to achieve the goal.

Step 1: At the conclusion of Unit 3 indicate each participant will be asked to

describe his or her primary goal during Unit 4. Encourage them to think

about their goals prior to class.

Step 2: Do the lecture on goals and KRAs prior to conducting the exercise. Stress

the fact that the KRAs will often come from the issues that were priori­

tized in the SWOT analysis.

Step 3: Tell the class they have 10 minutes to write down their most important

goal and to identify the key issues that must be addressed in order to

achieve the goal.

Step 4: The instructor should be available to answer questions that come up during

this period.

Step 5: Ask each student to read their goal statement and list the KRAs.

Step 6: The instructor should collect these statements. After collecting the

statement, make a copy for your review and comment and return the origi­

nal to the student.

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