Matalibul Furqan 5

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to become worse and worse.
Let us repeat that the Qur'an definitely rejects the view that
human nature has a fixed pattern and a rigidly determined
behaviour, for this view deprives man of real freedom.

IV. Nubuwwah

As stated above, all things in the world, from inanimate bodies to
man, depend on Divine Guidance for self-development and the
fulfilment of the purpose of their existence. This guidance,
however, takes many forms, each form being appropriate to a
particular level of existence. The form it assumes at the human
level, deserves special consideration.
Man is a rational being and possesses a free and autonomous self.
He values his freedom, knows that he alone is responsible for his
actions and has no right to complain if their consequences are
unpleasant. He chafes under compulsion, either internal or external.
He too needs Divine Guidance but he can receive it only in a form
which does not put a curb on his freedom and does not detract from
his right to judge for himself. Guidance is offered to man through
Wahi or Revelation. Every man, however, cannot be the recipient of
Wahi. Only an exceptionally gifted person, who is considered by
God capable of self-possession in the face of such a vital
experience, can receive guidance directly from God. The
appellation "Nabi" is applied to such a person and Nubuwwah
signifies two characteristic functions of the Nabi. As he is attuned to
God, he receives Divine Revelation or Wahi and as he is in close
touch with his fellow beings, he communicates the Wahi to them in
exactly the same form in which he has received it. The purity of the
medium ensures the purity of the revelation which it transmits.
Moreover, through his exemplary life and conduct the Nabi presents
the revelation in a vivid and concrete form which cannot fail to
impress the people.
To understand the nature of nubuwwah we must first get rid of a
misconception. In the Jewish-Christian tradition, the ''prophet” is a
man who prophesies or foretells future events. Endowed with
unusual psychic powers, the "prophet" is considered to be capable
of foreseeing future happenings of which he warns the people. The

Islam: A Challenge to Religion 97
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