Matalibul Furqan 5

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should make it clear at the very outset that these quotations have not
been used to prove the truth of any principle or precept of the
Qur’an. All the statements and assertions of the Qur’an are self-
evident truths and do not need any external corroboration. The
quotations are meant to serve an entirely different purpose. The
Qur’an presented the outlines of a new Social Order some fourteen
centuries ago. People then not only disagreed with it but also
opposed it. But today, the needs of the time and the difficult
situation in which mankind finds itself tend to bring humanity
gradually nearer to the Social Order of Islam. Various non-Muslim
thinkers who, until a short while ago, used to pin all their hopes on
one or another of the various social systems devised by men
without any Divine Guidance, have now begun to despair of them.
And the outlines of the new schemes that they are now
contemplating to ensure peace and justice and happiness for
mankind appear very much like those of the Social Order
prescribed by the Qur’an ages ago. It is only to illustrate this fact that
I have quoted frequently from the writings of some eminent
Western thinkers. Human intellect is gradually advancing towards
the comprehension of Permanent Values as set forth in the Qur’an.
Notwithstanding the forces of exploitation, the Eternal Truth is
ultimately bound to prevail, the sooner the better for the
emancipation of mankind.


  1. J.W.T. Mason, Creative Freedom, pp. 183-4.

  2. Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, p. 152.

  3. Ibid., pp. 25-26, 114.

  4. Living Religions and A World Faith, p. 202.

  5. Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not A Christian, p. 37.

Islam: A Challenge to Religion 18
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