nitride gate dielectrics in which the charge
carrier densityneand electrical displacement
top and bottom gates ( 23 ) (fig. S1). We report
data from two devices that show nearly iden-
tical behavior. Data shown in the main text
are from device A, and data from device B are
shown in fig. S11 ( 24 ).
Figure 1E shows inverse electronic com-
pressibilityk¼@m=@ne( 23 , 25 ) measured for
small-hole doping. A series of transitions are
visible as dips in the inverse compressibility,
accompanied by concomitant sharp changes
in the electrical resistivity (see fig. S2 for ad-
ditional data). High-resolution quantum oscil-
lation data as a function of the perpendicular
magnetic fieldB⊥show that these features are
associated with changes in the Fermi surface
topology linked to breaking of the spin and
valley symmetries. Figure 1F shows the Fourier
transform of the magnetoresistance (see fig. S3
for additional data),R(1/B⊥) (whereB⊥is the
out-of-plane magnetic field), measured at dif-
ferent (ne,D) points indicated in Fig. 1E. Fourier
transforms are plotted as a function of the
oscillation frequency normalized to the total
carrier density, which we denote asfn.fncor-
responds to the fraction of the Luttinger vol-
ume encircled by the phase coherent orbit that
generates a given oscillation peak. To deter-
mine Luttinger volume, we use the geometric
capacitance per unit area of the top and bot-
tom gates (ctandcb) and the spectroscopically
determined ( 16 ) bandgap of bilayer graphene
(D) to calculate the carrier densityne. Account-
ing for the finite bandgap, the system will be
doped with holes whenctvcttþþccbbvb<