Surprising superconductivity of graphene
An ordinary graphene bilayer exhibits extraordinary superconductivity
ByTero T. Heikkilä
raphene-based materials are an in-
teresting platform for studying exotic
electronic states ( 1 , 2 ) such as super-
conductivity, where the electrical re-
sistivity of the material becomes zero.
Although superconductivity has been
observed in graphene, earlier observations
were of samples with unstable physical struc-
tures, hampering a consistent explanation for
the phenomenon. On page 774 of this issue,
Zhou et al. ( 3 ) report how a graphene bilayer
becomes superconducting in the presence
of suitably arranged electric and magnetic
fields. Their experiments indicate a rarely
found exotic state for the electrons, where su-
perconductivity is particularly robust against
large magnetic fields that usually destroy
the effect. The discovery of superconductiv-
ity in as relatively simple a structure as a
graphene bilayer opens an avenue for better
understanding the phenomenon. Such un-
derstanding can facilitate the search for su-
perconducting materials with more-practical
operating conditions.
Graphene is a single-atom-thick layer of
carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lat-
tice. Ordinary bilayer graphene is composed
of two layers of graphene. One layer is on
top of the other so that the atoms in both
layers find their minimum-energy positions
(see the figure), in contrast to the unstable
twisted bilayer graphene ( 1 ). This discovery
of superconductivity in bilayer graphene
is surprising because bilayer graphene has
already been thoroughly studied for its po-
tential to replace silicon in building smaller
and faster electronic devices. A single layer
of graphene lacks a bandgap, which is a
problem for its use in digital electronics.
Namely, without a gap between the va-
lence and conduction bands for electrons,
the ratio of conductivities in the on and off
states is too small to be practical for logi-
cal operations. One solution to the problem
is to place a bilayer graphene between two
metallic electrodes, as was demonstrated in
2009 ( 4 ). Doing so opens a tunable band-
gap in the bilayer because of the electrical
potential difference between the two elec-
trodes. The combined device—a transis-
tor—can then be controlled by the common
electrode potential. When the common
potential is zero, the transistor is in the off
state. Increasing or decreasing the common
potential injects electrons into the conduc-
tion band or removes them from the va-
lence band. As a result, the transistor goes
to the on state.
Zhou et al. found that near the onset of
the on state, electronic interactions deform
the electronic band structure at low tempera-
tures and break some of its symmetries. To
begin, they studied how the resistance of the
bilayer graphene oscillates as a function of
the magnetic field in its nonsuperconducting
state. Using such a measurement, the authors
uncovered different types of electronic states
with spontaneously broken spin or valley
symmetries as signatures of a phase transi-
tion to a magnetic state. Spin is a fundamen-
tal quantum property inherent to electrons,
whereas the valley describes the shape of the
band structure, which in turn determines the
range of energy that electrons can have when
moving inside a specific material. Then, the
bilayer graphene device was cooled to tem-
peratures below 30 mK, where the material
becomes superconducting for certain values
of the electric and magnetic fields.
The superconducting transition is formally
described as the build-up of coherent pairing
between electrons. In conventional super-
conductors, the electron pairs contain oppo-
site spins. This pairing is known as a spin-
singlet state and is governed by a quantum-
mechanical principle known as Pauli exclu-
sion, which constrains the types of pairs that
can be formed. The singlet state is vulnerable
to a magnetic field in that the field provides
different energies to the electrons of oppo-
site spins and eventually destroys supercon-
ductivity. The other possibility for electron
pairing is the spin-triplet state, where spins
in the pair point in the same direction and
are not affected by magnetic fields. Such
states are interesting because they may be
useful in quantum computing ( 5 ). Before gra-
phene, spin triplets have been observed only
in materials composed of heavy elements.
Therefore, it is particularly notable that the
superconducting graphene of Zhou et al. re-
quired applying a magnetic field. This along
with the resistance remaining at zero up to
very large fields indicates the possibility of a
spin-triplet superconducting state. Here, the
presence of the valleys in graphene may help
to satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle.
The discovery made by Zhou et al. lines
up with the other recent findings of the su-
perconducting state in few-layer graphene
Stable bilayer graphene has systems (^1 ), especially in bi- and trilayer
been heavily studied for realizing
ultrasmall and fast transistors. Its
superconductivity came as a surprise.
Top layer field
Bottom layer
Nanoscience Center and Department of Physics, University
of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland. Email: [email protected]
Recipe for superconductivity
in bilayer graphene
Take two layers of graphene and place them at a
staggered fashion into their most stable arrangement.
Apply a perpendicular electric and an in-plane magnetic
field. Measure while cold to find superconductivity.
18 FEBRUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6582 719