Science - USA (2022-02-18)

(Antfer) #1

mean of serum concentrations in SELMA
pregnant women. The tested dose range was
adjusted to the experimental models to ac-
commodate their differential responsiveness.

Acute MIX N exposure disrupts human
neurodevelopmental pathways

To define the molecular impact of MIX N,
we started off with primary neural stem cells
sourced from the cortex of human fetuses at 11
and 19 weeks of gestational age [henceforth
human fetal primary neural stem cells (HFPNSCs)
in the figures and fetal progenitors in the text].
Given the potentially nonlinear and nonmo-
notonic dose-response patterns associated with
EDC mixtures ( 17 , 18 ), the experimental design
included five doses of MIX N, ranging in con-
centration from 0.1X to 1000X, and a global
assessment of the early impact on gene expres-
sion to define the proximal targets (fig. S1A).
To this end, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was

performed after 48 hours of MIX N exposure,
and patterns of EDC dose-dependent tran-
scriptional responses were determined using
an analysis that considers MIX N dilutions as
distinct categories. By not assuming any par-
ticular response pattern (linearity or monoto-
nicity), this approach allowed us to define a
core list of 16 differentially expressed genes
(DEGs) {false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05; abso-
lute log–fold change [abs(logFC)] > 0.2 (henceforth
logFC); log–counts per million (logCPM) > 0} that
follow similar dose responses in the two fetal cor-
tical lines (fig. S1, B to E). This core set includes the
genesEPHB2andCLSTN2, an ephrin receptor
and a transmembrane protein of the cadherin
superfamily, respectively. These two genes are
particularly relevant to the phenotype scored
in the SELMA cohort (language delay) because
their down-regulation by MIX N (fig. S1F) is
consistent with their autism spectrum disorder
(ASD)–causative role by haploinsufficiency that

was initially defined in the Simons Simplex
Collection of 2700 families and later validated
in additional cohorts ( 19 – 25 ).

Chronic MIX N exposure uncovers convergence
with genetic causes of ASD
The observation that even acute exposure to
MIX N triggered the dysregulation of a core
set of phenotypically relevant genes in two
genetically independent fetal cortex samples,
sourced at different developmental stages,
motivated us to investigate the molecular
impact of MIX N exposure in a setting that
more closely recapitulates human in utero
in two experimental models with a minimum
of four replicates per condition: (i) the same
19-weeks-of-gestational-age fetal progenitor
line that was already subjected to acute expo-
sure, now exposed for 2 weeks to mimic the

Caporaleet al.,Science 375 , eabe8244 (2022) 18 February 2022 4 of 15



Cortical organoids



Minimum number of replicates
per condition

Cell line 3391B: sex



Minimum number of replicates
per condition

Cell line E3381-1: sex

Human Fetal Primary
Neural Stem Cells


Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of HFPNSC DEGs Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of CO DEGs

Fig. 2. MIX N chronic exposure of human cellular models.(A) Schematic
representation of the experimental design for chronic (15 days) MIX N treatment of
HFPNSCs and a heatmap showing the relative gene abundance [z-scores of surrogate
variable analysis (SVA)Ðcorrected values] of the DEGs (FDR < 0.05, logFC > 0.5,
logCPM > 0) identified through differential expression analysis of MIX N dilutions
versus negative control. CNT, unexposed samples; DMSO, samples exposed to 0.1%
DMSO; 1X, samples exposed to 1X MIX N; 1000X, samples exposed to 1000X MIX N.

(B) Schematic representation of the experimental design for chronic (50 days)
MIX N treatment of human COs and a heatmap showing the relative gene abundance
(z-scores of SVA-corrected values) of the DEGs (FDR < 0.05, logFC > 0.5, logCPM > 0)
identified through differential expression analysis of MIX N dilutions versus negative
control. (C) Gene sets significantly (adjustedP< 0.1) associated with MIX N
exposure by GSEA in HFPNSCs and COs, respectively; results are presented as
−log10 adjustedPvalues and normalized enrichment score (NES).


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