The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1


Twenty-one years ago, on the shores of beautiful Lake

Tahoe, I attended the wedding of a friend and was
introduced to Dr. Loren Cordain. Little did I know at the
time that I was about to embark on a journey with an
individual who would change the way millions of people
view diet, nutrition, and the concept of healthy living. It has
been my good fortune to participate in the quiet revolution
that began with a simple question: what is the optimal
human diet, and how does it relate to overall health?

Through dedication, perseverance, and integrity, Loren
has answered this question and has systematically outlined
for the scientific world, as well as the layperson, the link
between the human diet and overall well-being. Together
we have embraced the concept of the Paleo Diet, and we
faithfully live by its principles. Most gratifying have been the
countless testimonials from people all over the world who
have written that after adopting the diet, they have rid
themselves of lifelong ailments, eliminated the chronic
symptoms of modern disease, and discovered renewed
energy and vibrant health.

I want to thank Loren for his hard work, his commitment
to answering the fundamental questions, and his
unselfishness in mentoring countless individuals in
successfully eliminating their health problems and restoring

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