The Paleo Diet Cookbook

(Brent) #1

breakfast had just shot my blood sugar and insulin levels
sky-high, and they were only to plummet a few hours later.
As lean meat, eggs, and fish became my breakfast staples,
along with some fresh fruit, my energy level stabilized
throughout the morning, and I felt alert and fit. After I
permanently adopted this lifelong way of eating, my chronic
lower back pain disappeared, as did my semiannual upper
respiratory illnesses. My overall health blossomed, and so
will yours when you become a Paleo Dieter. Rest assured,
there is absolutely no need to feel guilty about eating a big
slab of lean red meat.

In this chapter, we encourage you to get lean beef, lamb,
and pork back into your diet if you haven’t already done so.
Meat is the largest contributor of readily available iron and
zinc and a major supplier of omega 3 fatty acids,
particularly if your meat is grass-produced. Meat is one of
the best sources of vitamin B 12 and easily absorbable

vitamin B 6.

Believe it or not, lean meats such as sirloin steak, pork
loin, and flank steak will lower your total blood cholesterol
and triglyceride levels while simultaneously increasing HDL
(the good cholesterol), especially when they are part of a
low-glycemic-load diet—and that is exactly what you will be

eating with all of the delicious recipes in The Paleo Diet


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