Quark 7 - My Faith 1 - NF:My Faith 1 - NF.qxd.qxd

(Chris Devlin) #1
Prophethood, who could it be other than ProphetMuhammad [s]? And if any book was designed to be the
completion of Revelation, what could it be other than theQur’an?
Allah decreed that Prophet and so he was. No Prophet before ProphetNabiMuhammad [s] would be the Last
Muhammad [s] had done or accomplished or bequeathedso much as he did. And no one after him, of those who have
claimed prophethood, has done anything comparable towhat he did. However, this Divine decree was in anticipa-
tion of the great historical events which have followed. Itheralded good news for man that he would enter a new
stage of intellectual maturity and spiritual heights, and thathe would have, from then on, to do without new prophets or
new revelations, to be on his own, aided by the rich legacybequethed by Prophet Muhammad [s]. It was in anticipa-
tion of the fact that the cultures, races and regions of theworld would become closer and closer to each other, and
that mankind could assimilate one universal religion inwhich Allah occupies His rightful position and man realizes
his servitude. The historical stage of Prophethood hasended with Prophet Muhammad [s] to give man the evi-
dence that he can mature on his own initiative.
The nature of Islam is such that it has a great deal of flexi-bility and practicability and can cope with any arising situa-
tion. The nature of the Qur’an is such that it is universal andever-revealing, and in it guidance is sure, without doubt.
The nature of Prophet Muhammad’s [s] message is suchthat it is addressed to all men and directed to all genera-
Muhammad was not merely a racial leader or a national lib-erator. He was, and still is, the universal Prophet and the
best model of him who seeks Allah. In him every man canfind an excellent example of virtue and piety to follow. And
in him every generation can find its lost hope.


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