The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Success is a mind-set, an attitude, a commitment, a burning desire,
first requiring energy, excitement, and enthusiasm about the prospects for
personal gain. Learning something new means you will make mistakes as
you progress. Most adults dislike the feelings that come with making mis-
takes. Anticipate this and respond appropriately. Think it through in ad-
vance; choose how you want to respond to the challenges that will come,
and prepare for them. If you expect business building to be easy, without
challenges, you will be disappointed. If you take the business seriously, ac-
cept these challenges, and take responsibility for your actions, you will have
a real formula for success. Responsibility means the ability to respond.
When we take advantage of our freedom to choose and are accountable for
the results we achieve, we become more powerful in the creation of the fu-
ture we want.



In this phase of your development, you have learned the basics of a successful
and profitable network marketing business. You are ready to take your busi-
nesses to the next level. Armed with your proven skills and new work sched-
ule, you will find it easier to recruit people with greater capacity and skill. At
this stage, you understand how to play the game and have mastered the basic
strategies. You are beginning to see several moves ahead and are not surprised
by your opponent’s moves. On a good day, you play brilliantly.
The hallmark of this stage of the business is leading by example. You
do as you want others to do. You recruit, train, and develop new leaders
who bring new excitement and energy to your team. You now have the time
required to build toward the big financial returns. You can now expand
your business more strategically, moving beyond your local and regional ar-
eas to national and then international markets. When you start focusing
your full-time efforts on the advancement of your business, momentum will
really pick up.
I remember my own decision to quit my job as a welder and become a
full-time networker. I had matched my full-time income within the first 90
days and began eliminating my debts with the extra income. Then in my ninth
month, my wife called me at my welding job to tell me our check had arrived.
It was now three times my income as a welder, and she was calling to tell me
to quit my job and come home. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. A few
months earlier she was not sure that I should be starting a home-based busi-
ness. Now she was asking me to leave my job of 13 years, an invitation to be
free. Of course I said yes!


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