The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



A Sense of Urgency

Charles E. “Tremendous” Jones


f you could add one personality trait to improve yourself as an effective,
successful network marketer, what would you choose? Courage? Wis-
dom? Enthusiasm? Confidence? We could go on and on and still probably
miss the one you might choose. I heard a speaker say it was important to
be inspired but still more important to have the desire, the will to want to. I
most heartily agree with him. I also like Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s six-point
success formula: (1) work, (2) work, (3) work, (4) forget self, (5) set goals,
and (6) get along with others. We’ve all heard many formulas, and they all
will work if we will.
Most are ready to accept these success formulas but for some reason
never get them into high gear. You’ve noticed many in the field of network
marketing who have great potential and every reason to be tremendously suc-
cessful, but nothing seems to happen in their organizations. What is it that
chains so many of us to the pit of mediocrity? What is it that dampens the
fires of greatness that are lit so many times in our hearts?
Perhaps my findings are not the only solution, but with all my heart I
believe the fires of greatness in our hearts can be kept aglow only after we de-
velop a sense of urgency and importance of what we are doing that goes be-
yond just enrolling others to make us money. I mean a sense of urgency to the
extent that we feel it is a matter of life and death; and for many trapped in
jobs they hate and lives of quiet resignation, it isa matter of life and death.
For in growing, we are alive, and in quitting on our dreams, we are dying in a
sense. If you don’t believe this, talk to anyone who has lost the sense of ur-
gency of getting things done and has been drifting in complacency, mediocrity,
and/or failure. If you are without a sense of urgency in the building of your
network marketing business, you know what I mean.
A sense of urgency is that feeling that lets you know yesterday is gone
forever and tomorrow never comes. Todayis in your hands. It lets you know
that shirking today’s task of speaking with a new prospect will add to wasted
yesterdays marked by procrastination. Postponing today’s work will add to
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