The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
gets better with the years. Finally, a person gets to know which keys
unlock which doors, while the inexperienced don’t know if they
have a key. All they can do is fumble around and hope to add an-
other key of experience to their key ring.
Network marketing offers each of us the opportunity to ex-
pand and grow daily. It gives us the chance to meet new people,
learn new lessons, and develop new experiences to become the per-
son we choose to be. If we have the courage to experience new chal-
lenges and learn from each, our business expands and we get to
grow as individuals. If we opt to play small, not speak with
prospects who may reject us, and avoid situations where we may
fail, our business suffers and we wonder why we are not having the
success for which we once hoped.

  1. Flexible planning.This is the age of the planner. Everybody’s plan-
    ning, planning, planning. In network marketing, don’t ever tell any-
    one that planning alone will do it. I believe you have to have a plan
    to move your business forward deliberately, but the real law is not
    planning; it’s flexible planning. Flexible planning says, “Plan on it
    going wrong.” If we expect to experience challenges, we’ll be able to
    creatively overcome them and be back on the track to success.
    You say, “What if it goes right?” We will just have to work it
    in. Growing is learning that nothing ever goes wrong except to make
    you more right. Learn to embrace problems. Welcome them. Know
    that in every problem is the seed of a way to overcome them and
    achieve greater success in your business. Give up your right to inval-
    idate yourself when things do not go as you had hoped. Ask your-
    self, “What might be missing for me to address to bring about the
    results I’m looking to accomplish?”

  2. Motivated to motivating.Which would you rather be: a miserable
    motivator or a happy motivated flop? I would rather be a happy,
    motivated flop, because if I can be motivated long enough, I’ll get to
    be motivating, and if I can be motivated long enough, I’ll eventually
    become a motivator. And I’ll get to enjoy what I get. That’s not the
    case with the person who has learned to motivate everybody but
    themselves. Our problem isn’t motivating them, but keeping them
    from demotivating me. The motivation will flow when you are to-
    tally committed and involved.
    Motivation is a natural result of a positive expectation of your
    ultimate success in this business. If you believe you will be successful
    in building your business, you’ll be motivated to do those things that
    will result in accomplishment. To the contrary, if you expect to fail,
    why bother staying in action? You expect it will do little good to


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