The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
speak with people about your opportunity. They’ll probably not be
interested anyway, so why go through the trouble? We get what we
expect, so check your belief level first if your motivation is lacking.


We live in a world where these two great words—discipline and loyalty—are
becoming meaningless. Does this mean that they are worthless? On the con-
trary, they are becoming priceless qualities because they are so hard to de-
velop in the first place. And should you be one of the fortunate few who have
caught the vision of how network marketing can contribute to your life and
to the lives of others you introduce it to, your battle has just begun. This is be-
cause the greatest battle is to keep what you’ve learned through these two
priceless qualities.
Discipline is that great quality that few people use that enables them to
be constructively busy all the time in the pursuit of their goals. Even in dis-
couragement, rejection, and defeat, discipline will rescue you and usher you
to a new place to keep constructively busy while you forget about doubt,
worry, and self-pity. Oh that more men and women in this day would realize
the absolute necessity of discipline and the degree of growth and happiness to
be attained from it. In network marketing, maintaining the discipline to
prospect and follow up those prospects every day will surely go far in ensur-
ing your ultimate success. Discipline is essential to produce a result in any ac-
tion plan, but it is even more critical when things are not going well. It’s too
easy to return to what is convenient rather than maintain the discipline to
stay in action despite the challenges and disappointments.
Most people think that loyalty is to a thing or to a person when actually
it is to one’s own self. Some think that it is to a goal or an objective, but again
it is to one’s own convictions. If loyalty has to be earned, then it is deserved
and is hardly more than devoted emotion based on a temporary feeling. No,
loyalty is the character of a person who has given oneself to a task, and this
person will always realize that out of a loyal heart will spring all the other
virtues that make life one of depth and growth.
Be loyal to yourself and go about your daily efforts with a disciplined
sense of urgency, expecting that you will touch countless lives with your prod-
ucts and income opportunity. When you spend your days introducing others to
your business with a passion that speaks your enthusiasm for what this awe-
some opportunity can do for others (and for you as a result of you contributing
to them), you will give forth an energy that attracts others to you. They will see
and feel your commitment to share the gift that network marketing can be and
will want to partner with you, inspired by your belief and positive expectation.

A Sense of Urgency 95
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