The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

and hurt my knee. And ever since I had to have therapy because it hurt so
bad. My doctor gave me some drugs, which helped, but they gave me stom-
ach problems and I was worried about other side effects.
“Then I tried this new cream and rubbed it on my knee. And almost
right away, I noticed the pain in my knee was almost gone. I immediately
stopped the drugs and one week later I stopped the therapy. It’s been five
months now and my knee feels fine. And I can exercise again like I did before
I got hurt.”
That is her personal story about this particular product (her company
has others) and she chose it because the change she got with it meant the most
to her. This is right from her remembering room. She was not trying to im-
press or attract anyone else. This was all about her story.
So now, you try it. First, pick the fix or change you got that meant the
most to you. Start either with the problem you had, or the fix you got—the
before and after you care about. You must do that by going to your own re-
membering room. Stay in there. Do not go to the impressing room. That’s
very easy to do and you’ll know it happened when seller talk starts coming
out of your mouth.
The remembering room experience is about one thing—describing you
and your before and after. You go there to remember and describe your before
and after—not to impress, play to, or “get” anyone else. This will be about
finding people like you, remember? So we start by describing you.
Next we’ll put your story into what I call a “first date script” format.
This particular script is designed to answer the question: What do you do?
(The If My Product’s So Great.. .book shows many other uses of the script.)
Let’s try it. Someone asks you, “So what do you do?”
First you’ll see a 37-second first date script, then the seven-second
version. You can choose when to use either. Read this out loud so your ears
can hear.

You:I market a product for people who have achy knees when they go
up and down stairs, like I used to. Eight months ago I fell down the
steps and hurt my knee. And ever since I had to have therapy because
it hurt so bad. My doctor gave me some drugs, which helped, but
they gave me stomach problems and I was worried about other side
So I tried this new cream and rubbed it on my knee. And almost
right away, I noticed the pain in my knee was almost gone. I immedi-
ately stopped the drugs and one week later I stopped the therapy. It’s
been five months now and my knee feels fine. And I can exercise
again like I did before I got hurt.
Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product
like that?


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