The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1


Figure 16.1 Connecting with Values in Your Business

Love:Approach everyone with love in your heart—your friends, family, and
downline. Smile, and feel the love in your heart before you make your next phone

Respect:I need to convey respect not only to my customers but also to myself. I
can convey respect when I am a good listener, when I am open to the outcome,
when I can allow no to mean no until it means yes. I respect myself when I be-
lieve in what I am doing, no matter what anyone else may say or believe.

Service:Read How Can I Help?by Ram Dass as your next network marketing
manual. I love the synchronicity of networking. When I call I know it has a pur-
pose, that I have a service to offer; I won’t know until we have our conversation
whether that is a listening ear, a little encouragement, a warm voice, or an amaz-
ing opportunity.

Joy:Joy is connecting with people heart to heart. Joy is hearing that someone is
feeling better than they have in years because of your products. Joy is contribut-
ing abundantly to your favourite charity with the abundance you receive. What is
joy for you? How can you bring some joy into your business and your life every
day? Be positive!

Trustworthiness:Calling back when I say. Being on time for meetings. Appearing
businesslike. My business has taught me and is teaching me to be a more trust-
worthy person.

Persistence:Do it every day whether you want to or not, whether you feel like it
or not. You may have downline who depend on you. You may have your own
family who depends on you. Or you may depend on you. Just do it.

Purpose:Be clear about your purpose. Purpose is one of our royal values; it
guides our lives like a North Star. Network marketing may be your purpose in life,
or you may have another purpose that the income and influence you gain through
your business will help you to achieve.
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