The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Businesses have values, too. What values in your business will fit the
needs of each of your prospects? You won’t know unless you listen for their
values. Listen, not speak.
When you have found a perfect match for your business and your
prospect, then you have added one more brick in the strong foundation of a
business that will grow big enough to poke a hole in the sky.
It’s really that simple.

Linda Avery, M.A., has 16 years of experience in network marketing. She built
an international organization in one of America’s top network marketing
companies. She is a professional business coach, freelance writer, and writing
instructor. She and her business partner in South Carolina, Constance
Dugan, co-own The Heart of Business, offering business executive coaching,
public speaking coaching, business editing, and women’s business and per-
sonal workshops. Contact Linda at (253) 627-1441 or by e-mail at linda
[email protected].

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